The Library A generation that doesn't read has no past and has no future...Welcome to my online library. The library is undergoing expansion after 22 years. I'm adding books that deal with the real world and it's problems in a new section at the bottom There will be books that are not commonly available online, and that deal with what's going on. All books are offered under FAIR USE terms for study and the information contained. The so-called "copyrights" belong solely to the authors, or whoever else who has bought or stolen the rights to the contents, usually for the sole purpose of censoring them, ie - keeping them out of reach. Some of these books are NOT available anywhere else online at this time. If you download them, read them! There will be several sections here: books on psychedelics, articles on psychedelics, books on the history of the psychedelic culture of the sixties and the Haight-Ashbury quarter in San Francisco in the sixties. In the new section at the bottom, there will be books that give historical information that help to explain why the world is as fucked up as it is. BOOKS ON PSYCHEDELICS AND THE PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE LSD, My Problem Child - Albert Hofmann A personal account of the history of the discovery of LSD, written by the man who first created it and uncovered its effects - required reading. The Psychedelic Experience - Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner The classic guidebook for using psychedelics. Based on The Tibetan Book Of The Dead. Possibly the most important book on the subject of psychedelics. The Doors Of Perception - Aldous Huxley The single most famous literary description of a psychedelic experience, written in 1954 by the author of Brave New World, one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, on his first experience with mescaline. The Secret Chief - Conversations with a pioneer of the underground psychedelic therapy movement. By Myron Stolaroff Highly recommended reading in order to gain an appreciation of the books and articles above. Thanatos To Eros - 35 Years of Psychedelic Exploration By Myron Stolaroff From the Preface:
This book is the story of how I overcame thanatos, the drive for death, to elicit eros, the drive for life. ARTICLES ON PSYCHEDELICS AND THE PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE The Original Captain Trips - an article by Todd Brendan Fahey Using Psychedelics Wisely - an outstanding article by Myron J. Stolaroff, early psychedelic researcher. Highly recommended reading. Are Psychedelics Useful In The Practice Of Buddhism? - an article by Myron J. Stolaroff, early psychedelic researcher. The author describes his lifelong methods of using psychedelics to aid his own spiritual development, and responds to criticism from within the professional community. He discusses his choice of which psychedelic to use, as well as the appropriate doses for achieving each desired result along the way. ![]() A talk by Ram Dass, 1969 Ram Dass (formerly Dr. Richard Alpert, PhD), along with Dr. Timothy Leary and Dr. Ralph Metzner, conducted the early experiments on the effects of LSD at Harvard, both on themselves and their associates, as well as on volunteer participants ranging from divinity students, through artists and musicians, to prisoners and alcoholics. ![]() ![]() Books about the Sixties, LSD and its effect on the 60s counterculture, and about the history of the Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco in the 1960's: TO DOWNLOAD A BOOK OR ARTICLE, Windows: RIGHT-CLICK ON THE LINK AND CHOOSE: 'Save link as', Mac: (CTL-Click and Save) Storming Heaven, LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens Without question, the best-written account of LSD and its influence in the Sixties. It steers a clear and unbiased path through the events of the times, covering just about everything. Unlike just about every other book on the Sixties, this one has very few factual errors - only one or two small details are inaccurate in the entire book. A real pleasure to read. The Man Who Turned On The World by Michael Hollingshead <<< THIS BOOK NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD How LSD was initially spread to interested people everywhere. The Man Who Turned on the World (c)1973 Michael Hollingshead. The Haight-Ashbury: A History by Charles Perry A well-written book about the history of the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco in the 60's. The Summer of Love: Haight-Ashbury at its Highest by Gene Anthony Stories from the Haight Ashbury scene, told by the author. Illustrated with original photos. Woodstock Census: The Nationwide Survey Of The Sixties Generation Authors: Rex Weiner & Deanne Stillman Publisher: Viking Press Date: 1979 A look at what happened to the Woodstock Generation, 10 years later, in their own words. ![]() BOOKS ABOUT THE REAL WORLD Some titles may be altered to reduce search result and 'copyright' (censorship) issues. TO DOWNLOAD A BOOK OR ARTICLE, Windows: RIGHT-CLICK ON THE LINK AND CHOOSE: 'Save link as', Mac: (CTL-Click and Save)
A scathing and accurate history of the US education system, John Gatto has been the leading author and lecturer on this issue. This book is no longer freely downloadable at, but you can DL it here below: The Underground History Of American Education, by John Gatto
There will be more additions to this section. ![]() Most of the above books may be available in print at the present time (May, 2022). I'm presenting them here under Fair Use terms for examination and the valuable knowledge they contain. Persons interested in serious study of these texts should purchase them from their local independent bookseller, or lacking that option, should buy them online at the usual places. In any case, knowledge of what came before your time will help you to understand why the world is as it is now, and will help you to pass on the living truth to others, thus helping the cause of bringing some much-needed Light into the world we live in. Be the change you want to see, THINK FOR YOURSELF, make up your own mind, and may the pure Light within you guide your way on. Happy trails! more to come! Last update: September, 2022 Here since 1996! |