Last days in Kathmandu and nearby Patan, Nov 2000

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Picture 1 Kopan Buddhist Monastary, overlooking Kathmandu at
3000 feet high.

Picture 2 Buddhist prayer flags wave in the breeze at Kopan

Picture 3 Kopan scene

Picture 4 Kopan scene

Picture 5 Kopan scene

Picture 6 view overlooking main square in Patan, near Kathmandu

Picture 7 Chris relaxing at a cafe in Patan

Picture 8 a small street shrine in Patan

Picture 9 a Hindu statue on a street in Patan

Picture 10 A temple devoted to dogs, with a devotee relaxing

Picture 11 The store where we bought many Tibetan art pieces
including a large thanka (Tibetan religious painting).

Picture 12 chris photos a favorite thanka that we couldn't
afford to send home

Picture 13 a close up shot of the face of the thanka above

Picture 14 CJ and Tashi, owner of the Thangka store
in Kathmandu, Nepal, where we purchased
a large and beautiful Thangka
(Tibetan religious painting).

Picture 15 Chris and Tashi, owner of the Thangka store
in Kathmandu, Nepal, where we purchased
a large and beautiful Thangka
(Tibetan religious painting).

Picture 16 a street vendor, set up outside Tashi's store,
sells Tibetan religious goods

Picture 17 Chris in Kathmandu, relaxing on the roof of our lodge

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