Hello! This is my copy of a work done many years ago on the early internet days by mareev (at) well (dot) com.
I've had it posted here for many years as well, as I believe that certain themes carry on throughout history, and
documents such as this one should be studied carefully in order to bear witness to, and realize the extent to which
these themes continue into the present day, and how they have influenced and created the world conditions in
which we presently find ourselves.
Be the change you want to see!
Back to the Timeline's main page
A Work-In-Progress
Copyright 1993
Send comments, additions, corrections to: mareev (at) well (dot) com
and please use "sixties" or "timeline" in the e-mail title.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing. . .
It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government. . .
God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. . .
Thomas Jefferson (1780)
1960 - 1975 Counterculture Timeline
1960 June 13 Newsweek: apathy of students - get this
June Baez & Seeger sing at Newport Folk Festival, which
is ended with a hootenanny
summer? Holiday magazine: Kerouac
summer Gerde's Folk City in Greenwich Village starts
holding Monday night hootenannys
summer Univ of Michigan Daily editor Tom Hayden, having read
On the Road, hitchhikes to California & meets
SLATE members in Berkeley
summer Trailways & several southern department store chains
desegregate their lunch counters
mid- Sidney Cohen's survey of 5,000 individuals who had taken
LSD 25,000 times concludes it is safe
Aug 9 Timothy Leary, 39, tries psilocybin mushrooms in Cuernavaca
fall back at U Mich, Hayden founds VOICE
fall Leary returns to Harvard, secures a supply of psilocybin from
Sandoz, & starts the Harvard Project;
also makes contact with Huxley and his group:
Gerald Heard (Huxley's friend from England's
Bloomsbury group), Humphrey Osmond (English
psychiatrist in Canada), Al Hubbard
Oct 12 Khruschev bangs shoe on desk at the U.N.
Oct 19 MLK & 35 students choose jail after arrest for sit-in
requesting service at the snack bar of Atlanta's
Rich's department store
Oct 25 MLK, held over on old traffic ticket charges, is
denied bail & sentenced to four months hard labor
Oct 26 JFK calls Coretta King & RFK call helps MLK's release
(& JFK p.r.)
Nov Ike tries to cut US foreign military spending causing gold
drain, warns against power of the "military-industrial complex"
Nov US sends troops to Nicaragua & Guatemala
Nov JFKennedy defeats Nixon
with 40% margin among Negro voters in key states,
who shifted from 40 to 70% Democratic since the 1956 election
Dec Boynton vs. Virginia: Supreme Court prohibits segregation in
waiting rooms & restaurants serving interstate bus passengers
Dec 20 Look: The Explosive Generation - ed. George Leonard - get this
Dec Birth control pills go on sale in the US
[when were I.U.D.s?? - around 1962 also]
when? Charles Van Doren is among 13 contestants on television show
"21" arrested for perjury in testifying that answers to
questions were not given them in advance
when? The Place & The Co-Existence Bagel Shop close
(Grant Ave in San Francisco's North Beach)
Beatles first trip to Hamburg, Germany
8 musicians meet in Ireland to form the Ceoltoiri
Chualann; 5 of them later form the Chieftains
Congress investigates payola, Teamsters Union
Nineteen new nations emerge in Africa
France: Manifesto of the 121 calls on draftees to
refuse to fight in the Algerian War, cosigners include
Simone de Beauvoir & Jean Paul Sartre
Sammy Davis Jr marries Swedish actress Mai Britt
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini,
Are You Lonesome Tonight?, Green Fields
*Everly Bros: Cathy's Clown
Drifters: Save the Last Dance for Me
Hank Ballard: Finger Poppin' Time
& original version of The Twist
Chubby Checker, 19, records The Twist
Joan Baez first album
television sets: US 85 mill; Brit 10.5 mill; WGer 2 mill; Fr 1.5 mill
TV: The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, My Three Sons
Jean Paul Belmondo first movie, Breathless
(by Godard) becomes U.S. hit
Hiroshima Mon Amour [recheck - have this earlier]
Never on Sunday
Big Deal on Madonna Street
(Psycho: Hitchcock)
Last Year at Marienbad - Alain Resnais
Paul Goodman: Growing Up Absurd
Black Like Me: John Howard Griffin
John Updike: Rabbit, Run
Allen Watts: Beat Zen, Square Zen, & Zen
Kerouac: Visions of Cody, The Scripture of Golden Eternity
Ginsberg: Kaddish
To Kill a Mockingbird: Harper Lee
John Barth: The Sotweed Factor
Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing - A.S. Neill
1961 when? HUAC film: Operation Abolition depicting SLATE activities
in Berkeley draws activists to Berkeley
(Bomb shelters being built)
61 when? South Africa: African National Congress (ANC) banned (check)
(see note Apr 60 about 11 African countries independence
Apr 60 - Apr 61)
Jan Bob Dylan, 19, shows up in Greenwich Village's The Wha?,
and visits Woody Guthrie in the hospital
Jan Atlanta civil rights demonstrations
(Life: JFKennedy calls attention to Bomb Shelters)
Feb 1 (First anniversary of the Greensboro sit-in):
demos all across the south, including
Nashville movie theater desegregation campaign
(which sparks similar demos in 10 other cities);
nine students arrested at lunch counter in Rock Hill, S. Car.
choose to take 30 days hard labor on a road gang;
the next week, four other students repeat the sit-in,
also choose jail.
when? (between Jan & May): Univ of Georgia: riots against
admission of first two Negro students
61 Feb 18 Bertrand Russell, 89, & Committee of 100 lead march of 20,000
& sit-down of 5,000 anti-nuke outside U.K.
Defense Ministry and is jailed for 7 days
Mar (early) Richard Alpert takes psilocybin as part of the
Harvard Project
Mar JFKennedy initiates 17 billion dollar nuclear missile program,
increases military aid to Indochina (=So Vietnam)
& announces creation of the Peace Corps
Apr 11 Dylan does first billed performance at Gerde's Folk City
Apr 12 USSR: first man in space (Yuri Gagarin)
61 Apr 25 Bay of Pigs: 1400 Cubans trained in the U.S. attempt
to invade Cuba & are defeated by forces led by Castro
May JFKennedy calls for 12,000 new Marines, the training of new
anti-guerilla units ("Special Forces"/"Green Berets")
and tripling of funds for fallout shelters & other
civil defense programs
May 4 James Farmer & CORE leads Freedom Rides (biracial
groups ride interstate buses & use station facilities
to challenge non-?observance of 1957 & 1960 civil
rights legislation
May 14 first Freedom bus attacked & burned outside Anniston,
Alabama & riders beaten
(Dylan writes Ballad of Emmett Till)
May 16 SNCC students replace CORE riders
May 21 Mobs attack First Baptist Church, Montgomery
May 25 First Amer in space: Alan Shepard (blast off May 5)
May 25 Montgomery, Ala: violence breaks out Negro and white
May 28 Amnesty International founded (by English lawyer Peter
Benenson & friends) with notice in the London
Observer and the Paris Le Monde
June JFKennedy first summit with USSR's Nikita Khrushchev
"diplomatic setback": K threatens to take over West Berlin
June Nearly 200 more arrested & jailed (Montgomery, Alabama??)
July 21 Second American in space: Grissom
61 Aug 7 Bob Moses (& SNCC) begins first voter registration school in
Mississippi (McComb, Fayette County)
Aug 13 East German border guards begin construction of Berlin Wall
Aug 29 Bob Moses beaten while trying to register two voters in Liberty
Sept Dylan plays Gerde's Folk City in Greenwich Village,
gets first review (Times)
Sept 17 U.K.: March & sit-down, Parliament Sq
large numbers & many arrests (while Russell in jail)
Sept 24 Herbert Lee, 52, local Negro leader & freedom school attendee,
Fayette City, shot by State Rep. Hurst (check)
Oct 4 Mass arrest of 3 SNCC members & 110 Negro high school students
praying on McComb City Hall steps in protest of Lee's slaying &
suspension of two Freedom Riders - ends SNCC voter registration project
Oct The Twist is still the rage and Chubby Checker leaves for European tour
(Oct 11 Hayden & Paul Potter beaten on visit to voter registration activities)
Oct SLATE leads vigil against resumption of nuclear testing by US &
USSR; 50,000 women around US demonstrate against the resumption
Nov. 1 -> Women Strike for Peace
Nov 1 Tennessee: state auctioneers selling off Highland (?Folk Center)
Nov 1 Pushed through by the Kennedys, ICC rules against interstate
segregation go into effect - demos throughout the south
Nov 9 Brian Epstein first sees the Beatles at The Cavern, Liverpool
Dec 9 U.K.: Committee of 100 (w Russell) demos at various
U.S. air & nuc bases
D 10-15 SNCC Freedom Rider test of ICC ruling in Albany, Georgia
leads to five days of arrests of 469/500 students for
marching around city hall. Some 350 choose to stay in
jail as part of the Albany movement.
Dec 11 First two U.S. Army helicopter units land in South Vietnam
Dec 16 MLK arrested Albany, Georgia with some 250 more demonstrators
D 23-30 Sat Eve Post: "Youth - The Good Generation"
(in response to Look?
The Twist -> #1 record for the second time
(-> Watusi, Hully-Gully, Stop & Swim, Mashed Potato +)
Michael Row the Boat Ashore, Moon River, Big Bad John,
Hit the Road Jack, Little Sister, Barbara Ann, Runaround Sue,
Where the Boys Are
Ricky Nelson: Travelin Man
The Dovells: Bristol Stomp
Chris Kenner: I Like It Like That
Where Have All the Flowers Gone - Pete Seeger
Ramblin' Jack Elliot starts
Judy Collins first album
Breakfast At Tiffany's, West Side Story [rechck-have as earlier]
Truffaut: Jules et Jim
Kurosawa: Yojimbo
Godard: A Woman Is a Woman (his 3rd feature) - also w Belmondo
Kerouac, Ginsberg, etc: Pull My Daisy
Salinger's Franny and Zooey published as a book
Baldwin: Nobody Knows My Name
Eric Berne: Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Carl Rogers: On Becoming A Person
Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land
John Lilly: Man and Dolphin
Jane Jacobs: The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Miller's Tropic of Cancer finally legally published in US
Harvard ?Student Union's first edition of Let's Go!
Alan Watts speaking on campuses around US
1962 "the East Village, with blacks, comes into being ard Tompkins Sq
western border: Cooper Square" - Hettie Jones
when? Vanessa Redgrave (among others) speaks at Bertrand
Russell's Committee of 100 anti-nuclear
weapons demonstration at Air Ministry in London
when? Cesar Chavez starts NFWA in Delano with his own savings
for 300,000 migratory farmworkers
when? Gideon case: all people accused of serious crimes
have a right to be represented by counsel
when? Amelia Newell opens her land at Gorda Mountain, Big Sur
for the first open-land commune (at its peak in 1967,
200 people lived there; ended 1968)
when? Herman Hesse dies, nearly unknown to U.S. readers
Feb 7 First U.S. Army support companies arrive in Saigon
F 16-17 Boston SANE & fledgling SDS hold first anti-nuclear
march on Washington; 4000-8000 show up
Feb 20 First Amer to orbit earth: John Glenn
F? M? Baker v. Carr: one man/one vote
(Mar? Harvard Psilocybin Project challenged)
(meanwhile Leary has discovered LSD)
Mar Bob Dylan: first album
Mar? (14 months after JFK in office) military budget up 9 billion
Mar Strategic Hamlet program started in Vietnam
Apr (Dylan writes Blowin in the Wind)
Apr 27 LA Negro uprising (according to Eyes on The Prize)
Griffith Park - 200 youths vs police arresting one
for horseplay on a merry-go-round
1962 Jn12-16 Port Huron Statement (SDS)
(summer: first doubts about LSD research start to surface)
(35 Harvards meet at Hotel Catalina in Zihuatanejo)
summer Neal Cassady visits Ken Kesey at Perry Lane,
having read One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
summer Jamaica, Trinidad, & Tobaga become independent
July 10 Martin Luther King & Abernathy choose to go to jail
for their part in Dec. Albany demos.
July 12 Unidentified Negro man (secretly sent by JFK) pays MLK's fine
July 19 First tv picture crosses Atlantic ocean by Telstar satellite
July 27 Martin Luther King back in jail (to Aug 10)
Aug Ban the Bomb demos UN, London, Helsinki, Tokyo, Hiroshima
Women's Strike for Peace (End the Arms Race, Not the Human Race)
Aug 4 Sat eve: Marilyn Monroe dies at 36 (? of drug o.d.??)
fall Leary founds International Foundation for Internal Freedom
(IFIF) to promote LSD research & publish The Psychedelic Review;
IFIF rents two houses in Newton as "Freedom House"s
Sept SNCC voter registration drive leaders in Georgia sniped at
& churches burned & Mississippi (Ruleville)
Sept 30 -Oct 1 JFK calls out troops to allow James Meredith
to become the first Negro admitted to U Miss
(Dylan writes Oxford Town)
(troops stay until late summer 1963, after Meredith has his degree)
Oct 22 Vaughn Meader tapes The First Family album
1962 O 22-28 JFK's Cuban Missile Blockade
(after 10 months of CIA's Operation Mongoose)
(Dylan writes A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall)
when? US-USSR sign Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (bans atmospheric
tests) & Nuclear non-proliferation pact (after Oct 62)
Nov Nixon loses for governor for California (to incumbent Pat Brown)
Nov first (Berkeley) sit-in against racial discrimination
at Mel's Drive-in, San Francisco
& demos around the country and the south
Dec Mariner 2 sends photos of Venus
Let Me In, Wah-Watusi, Mashed Potato,
He's a Rebel (Gene Pitney/Crystals),
Lonely Tear Drops, Girl From Ipanema
June 2: Isley Bros: Twist and Shout
Twisting the Night Away
*Everly Brothers: Crying in the Rain
*Beach Boys: Surfin' & Surfin' Safari
Dick Dale: Surfer's Choice
Ian & Sylvia first record (from Canada)
Little Boxes - Malvina Reynolds
TV: Beverly Hillbillies
Fellini: Boccaccio ?70
Vaughn Meader doing JFK improvisations
Abraham Maslow: Toward a Psychology of Being
Harrington: The Other America
Kerouac: Big Sur
Rachael Carson: Silent Spring
Miller: Tropic of Capricorn
Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Aldous Huxley: Island (utopian community)
Alan Watts: The Joyous Cosmology
?Adelle Davis: Exploring Inner Space
Euell Gibbons: Stalking the Wild Asparagus
Esalen Institute founded
Findhorn Foundation (Scotland) founded
Jan Albama Gov. Wallace's "Segregation Forever" speech at inauguration
Feb 20 Greenwood, Miss: SNCC Voter Registration headquarters
& 4 Negro businesses burned
Feb 28 Jimmy Travis, 20, Bob Moses & Randolph Blackwell,
returning from V E Project meeting, shot at
Mar shootings & burnings in Greenwood & arrests
& Republicans introduce stronger civil rights
legislation into Congress
East Su (when?) SANE, NYC "Peace Walk"
Apr 3 Birmingham: sit-ins & demos begun by SCLC & volunteers
A 11 Birmingham, Alabama city officials (including Bull Connor)
obtain injunction against any demonstrations
A 12-20 Martin Luther King & Abernathy go to jail in Birmingham
for marching in defiance of the injunction
May? Dylan tapes John Birch Society Blues for the Ed Sullivan tv show (censored)
May 2 Birmingham: 958 children go to jail for marching
May 3 Connor orders fire houses & dogs turned on children
marching out of the 16th St Baptist Church in Birmingham to keep
them from marching out of the "Negro section"
1963 May 6 (Mon) Birmingham: 1000 children & adults arrested,
making a total of about 2500
(Ella Baker, Dave Dellinger, James Forman, Dick
Gregory, Guy & Candie Carawan, Joan Baez in Birmingham)
[when? JFK "ordered Alabama National Guard placed under Federal
control, used display of military force to impose deseg"]
May 7 thousands of Negro children enter downtown "white" Birmingham
May 8 Buddhist uprisings against Diem start in Hue
May 9? meetings between white & Negro leaders negotiate an end
to much of Birmingham segregation
May 11 (Sat) KKK rally just outside of Birmingham and
bombing of A.D. King's home & Gaston Motel,
followed by riot around the motel area
May 16 sit-ins & marches throughout the south
next 10 weeks: 758 demonstrations in 186 cities,
14,733 arrests in 11 southern states
(throughout June & July)
May Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (with Blowin in the Wind)
Joan Baez and Bob Dylan sing at Monterey Folk
Festival, and Baez starts introducing Dylan at her concerts
when? Cooper makes 22 orbits
May 28 Medgar Evers gets agreement of negotiations in Jackson
which is then withdrawn; 4 students & professor harassed
during sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counter
May 31 600 children arrested for marching [Jackson?? or Birmingham?]
June 1 First Buddhist monk, Quang Duc (73) immolates self in Vietnam
(June) Leary quits Harvard; Alpert fired
1963 June Dylan's Blowin in the Wind in the top 10
June ?1 Saturday Review: They Split My Personality
(negative on LSD) - get?
June demonstrations & arrests - Tallahasee, North Carolina
June 5 First Negro student enters University of Mississippi
law school (without incident)
June 9 Arinell Ponder of SCLC & 5 students arrested & beaten
for using white Trailways bathrooms, Winona, Miss.
June 11 Cambridge, Md: 25 arrested outside courthouse;
firehoses in Danville, Va send 48 of 65 demos to hospital
June 11 Gov. George Wallace, trying to fulfill campaign promise
to "stand in the schoolhouse door" to halt integration,
is confronted by Alabama National Guard,
placed under Federal control by JFKennedy,
June 11 two Negro students quietly registered at University of Alabama
June 11 JFKennedy tv speech promises Civil Rights bill,
Southern Democrats vow to block
June 12 Medgar Evers (NAACP Field Sec) shot dead, Jackson, Miss
on arrival at his home
(Dylan writes Only a Pawn in their Game)
June 12 Buddhist monk Trich Quan Duc publicly immolates himself, Saigon
summer Leary hosts Freedom House groups in Zihuatanejo, Mexico
& is forced to move on to Dominica & then Antigua (ck Time mag)
Jul (end) Newport Folk Festival: 37,000 attend, debut for
many new folk musicians, including Dylan
(Ag 3-4 picketers in Torrance, Calif and other places)
1963 Aug 28 MLK's I Have a Dream speech, Wash DC Civil Rights March
200,000 / 300,000 - 500,000 / 210,000 - 250,000+
(Baez, Odetta, Josh White, SNCC Freedom Singers, Peter, Paul & Mary, Dylan perform)
Sept? negative pieces on Leary/Alpert firing appear in
Esquire, Saturday Evening Post, Look (get?)
mid-Sep Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, and other Harvard alumni
LSD-researchers move to the Hitchcock's estate in
Millbrook, New York (+ The Psychedelic Exp going to printer)
fall Time mag on IFIF - get?
Sept Birmingham fights over school integration
Sept 10 20 Negro children integrated into Birmingham schools
Sept 13 Wallace announces candidacy for president
63 Sept 15 16th St. Baptist church in Birmingham bombed, killing four
young Negro female Sunday School students
(Addie Mae Collins 14, Denise McNair 11,
Carol Robertson 14, Cynthia Wesley 11)
Oct JFK signs first Atomic Test Ban Treaty
(banned atmospheric tests? in space & beneath the sea)
& first wheat sale to USSR
Oct 13 Beatles at London Palladium shown on tv;
media discovers Beatlemania
Nov 1 Vietnam: Military junta overthrows and assassinates Diem
Nov early: "Freedom Vote" 90,000 Mississippi Negroes "vote"
(in parallel election organized by SNCC) for the first time
Nov Playboy: Allen Harrington's account of LSD session
& Huxley's last piece on the psychedelic dream - get?
Nov Leary's IFIF mutated into Castalia
end JFK plans withdrawal/withdraws 1000 of 17,000 advisors in
Vietnam, quietly opens a dialogue with Castro's Cuba,
and pursues detente with the USSR (Hayden)
Nov 22 JFKennedy assassinated, LBJohnson sworn in;
also Aldous Huxley dies, on LSD
Nov 16,000 troops in Vietnam
Nov 24 LBJ signs national security memorandum stating US goal in
Vietnam is helping the Saigon government to a military "victory"
when? Nov? Oswald assassinated
Hello Muddah, The Singing Nun
Guantanamara, If I Had a Hammer,
Puff the Magic Dragon, ?Charlie off the MTA?
There But For Fortune - Phil Ochs
Chad Mitchell Trio (with John Denver)
Beach Boys: Surfin' USA & Surfer Girl (with Little Deuce Coupe)
Jan & Dean: Surf City
Ventures: Surfing
Chris Kenner: Land of 1000 Dances
Beatles: first album
Tom Paxton: The Last Thing on My Mind (?album)
Dave Van Ronk starts
Judy Henske records three albums
Buffy Sainte-Marie: It's My Way (1st album) w Universal Soldier
*Freewheelin' Bob Dylan w Blowin in the Wind
Bo Diddley first album
Otis Redding first album
Little Stevie Wonder
(Bunny Wailer, Marley, Tosh start playing together)
Fellini: Eight and a Half
(Great Escape)
Dr. Strangelove, directed by Kubrick
Mary MacCarthy: The Group
Book of the Hopi - Frank Waters
Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique
James Baldwin: The Fire Next Time
John Cage: A Year From Monday
Vonnegut: Cat's Cradle (ice 9)
Leary +: The Psychedelic Experience
(version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead/Bardo Thodol)
height of the Mods and Rockers in UK (according to Quadrophenia)
1964 when? Indian fishermen fish-ins, Nisqually River, Washington
when? Sup Ct affirms members of Native Amer Church
use of peyote in religious ceremonies
early Kesey moves to La Honda, Merry Pranksters form
Jan LBJ state-of-the-union: declares war on poverty while
cutting budget and uranium production
when? Economic Opportunity Act: War on Poverty
(creates community action agencies)
Jan 11 Surgeon General's cigarette warning
Jan Bob Dylan: The Times They Are A-Changin'
Beatles: *I Want to Hold Your Hand -> #1 US
Jan 23 24th Amendment eliminates polling taxes
Jan 30 New military junta takes over in South Vietnam
Feb 9 Beatles on Ed Sullivan
Feb 11 Beatles: Washington D.C.
Feb (Dylan visits southern US & writes Chimes of Freedom)
(Dylan & Baez at Berkeley Community Theater)
Feb 25 Muhammed? Ali (Cassius Clay) beats Sonny Liston
Mar 6 protest against Sheraton Palace Hotel's
discrimination in hiring (SF)
Beatles: Can't Buy Me Love, And I Love Her
and filming A Hard Day's Night
Mar After RFK investigation, Hoffa
indicted on jury-tampering charges in 1962 mistrial
for misuse of union pension funds
Mar Malcolm X, silenced by Elijah Muhammed's Muslims, visits Africa
Mar 21 Leary starts first week of solitary LSD
spring Newsweek on Millbrook - get?
64 Apr Kitty Genovese, age, coming home from a night job in the early
a.m., stabbed repeatedly and over an extended period of time,
while 38 residents of Kew Gardens, a "respectable" New York
neighborhood heard and witnessed but did not even call police
Apr 23 Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl
Apr 24 Crosses burned in 64 of Mississippi's 82 counties
to prepare for Freedom Summer
May very first LA Free Press at first? KPFK Renaissance Faire
May Dylan's first visit to England, meets Beatles,
Rolling Stones, Eric Burden of Animals (who is doing
first "folk-rock" piece House of Rising Sun);
turns Beatles on to marijuana
1964 oldest baby boomers reach 18, graduate high school
June Lenny Bruce goes on trial in NYC
June 19 Carol Doda dances in a Rudi Gernreich topless bathing suit
in The Condor nightclub, North Beach
June 19 200 college students leave Oxford, Ohio to join
1,000 total civil rights volunteers as part of
Civil Rights "Freedom Summer" to register Negro voters
June 21 Three civil rights activists
(James Chaney (21), Andrew Goodman (20), Michael Schwerner (24))
killed on arrival in Mississippi by KKK
June 6 Negro churches burned in Mississippi (21 more by September);
30 Negroes murdered January to August
June 22 Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, still being smuggled into U.S.
from Paris, finally ruled legal for distribution in U.S.
summer SDS ERAP: 125 members organizing the poor in the slums
of nine cities
summer Millbrook House LSD sessions
when? Realist piece by Robert Anton Wilson - get?
summer Saturday night "happenings" in Spui Square start in Amsterdam
July 2 LBJ signs Civil Rights Act: public facilities opened to all
July Kesey & Merry Pranksters' first Magic Bus trip (to NY)
July 18 Negro uprising in Harlem
July 20 Brooklyn Negro uprising
July 22 Rochester Negro uprising
July? Sun House first reappearance (Newport Folk Festival)
Aug 2-4 U.S. navy destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin air action against
North Vietnamese PT boats
the torpedo boats & their bases. (???fix)
Also new military junta takes over.
Aug 2-4 New Jersey Negro uprising
Aug 7 Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin resolution
(only Sen Ernest Gruening of Alaska & Wayne Morse of
Oregon dissent) (19 years after bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki)
& Seventh fleet sent to Vietnam
Aug 11-14 New Jersey Negro uprising
Aug 16-17 Chicago Negro uprising
Aug 20 LBJ signs War on Poverty Bill
is this "The Great Society" program?
did this create VISTA? Head Start?
Aug x Democratic convention refuses to seat more than two
representatives from the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
64 Aug Ken Kesey & his Merry Pranksters visit? Leary & Alpert
at Millbrook
Aug Dylan: Another Side of Bob Dylan (all love songs)
Aug 23 Beatles Hollywood Bowl concert
Aug Beatles: *Hard Day's Night released in US
A 28-30 Philadelphia Negro uprising
Ag-Sept Beatles first U.S. tour: 25 N. Am. cities
fall Ralph Metzner, Harvard alumni of Leary's group, goes to India,
contacts & studies with Lama Govinda
(?The Way of the White Clouds)
fall oldest baby boomers enter college
Sept Selective Service calls up 27,500, more than in
any month since 1953
Sept Wilderness Act becomes law (by 1988 adds 80 million acres to
the 11 million acres currently in the wilderness system)
Sept early: Clark Kerr bans all politicking outside UC Berk's
main gate
late: Kerr suspends 8 students for political activities
Sept 27 Warren Commission Report on JFK assasination released;
says Oswald's was the only bullet
Oct 1 UC Berkeley math grad student Jack Weinberg is arrested
for setting up CORE information table in Sproul Plaza;
police car is surrounded by demonstrating students for 32 hours;
Free Speech Movement is formed Mario Savio; Baez
Weinberg: "Don't trust anyone over thirty."
when? Berkeley Barb starts
Oct 14 Khrushchev deposed in U.S.S.R. -> Brezhnev
Oct 16 China tests first atomic bomb, becoming fifth nuclear power
Oct 26 Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan
Nov Johnson defeats Goldwater
Dec 2 Joan Baez sings on Sproul Hall steps
Dec 2-3 FSM overnight sit-in in Sproul Hall to protest discipline of
four who took part in the October police car sit-in; 800 arrests
Dec 4 900 students boycot classes
Dec 7 U.C. Berk administration presentation at the Greek Theatre
to 18,000; followed by strike by 9,000 of the 27,000 students
& faculty resolution (824 to 115) supporting FSM
Dec 10 MLK awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Dec 11 Singer Sam Cooke dies of gunshot wounds, Los Angeles
In 1964, California surpassed New York as most populous state
Walk On Boy, We'll Sing in the Sunshine, Baby Love,
King of the Road, A Spoonful of Sugar
Jan & Dean: Ride the Wild Surf & Little Old Lady from Pasadena
*from UK: Pacemakers, Herman's Hermits,
Chad Stuart & Jeremy Clyde,
Petula Clark (first hit: Downtown),
The Kinks, Manfred Mann, The Hollies,
Dave Clark Five: I Like It Like That)
*The Rolling Stones first record & 12 x 5?
Fred Neil first album
Phil Ochs first album (w There But For Fortune?? see lista63))
*Dylan: The Times They are a Changin'
*Another Side of Bob Dylan
TV: Gomer Pyle, Gilligan's Island, U.N.C.L.E.
Zorba the Greek the movie (when was the book?)
Woman of the Dunes
It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World
(people are basically mad, so there's no hope for the world)
La Jette: Chris Marker (Fr)
Herbert Marcuse: One Dimensional Man
Marshall McLuhan: Understanding Media
Carl Jung: Man and His Symbols
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden: Hannah Green
David Halberstam: The Making of a Quagmire
op art
Rudi Gernreich: topless bathing suit
textured stockings
1965 Adrian Cronauer broadcasting in Vietnam
First DC-9 aircraft built
Volkswagen starts American sales campaign "Think Small"
Peace Corps returnees having trouble with "re-entry"
when? Leary visits in India, returns late spring to
find Millbrook in poor state, Alpert asked to leave
Washington judge rules Puyallup tribe does not exist,
and cannot fish on the Puyallup River
Jan Time Mag says "generation of conformists"
Jan 4 FSM holds first legal rally on Sproul Plaza
?Feb Byrds release single of Mr. Tambourine Man
Feb Police raid Owsley's house in Berkeley
Feb 8 U.S. starts bombing North Vietnam & begins using jet
bombers inside South Vietnam for strikes against "VC" targets
(`Operation Rolling Thunder')
Feb MLK & 770 others arrested in Selma, Alabama for picketing
county courthouse to end discrim voting rights
Feb 21 Malcolm X shot and killed, Harlem auditorium
Mar 6 "First Amer soldier officially sets foot on Viet battlefields"
Mar 8-9 3,500 Marines land to protect Da Nang air base
Mar Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home (all rock)
with Mr. Tambourine Man
65 Beatles: Eight Days a Week hit
Mar 3 Owsley starts making LSD: large quantities of acid
available for the first time
Mar 7 Selma, Alabama: police violence against march
Mar 8 Sup Ct rules co s need not believe in existence of a
Supreme Being (Daniel Seeger case)
(and June 15 Elliott Welsh II case)
Mar 9? first attempt to march from Selma to Montgomery
(turned back)
Mar 16 Quaker Alice Herz, 82, immolates self in Detroit
in protest of the Vietnam war
Mar 16 Police break-up demonstration of 600 in Montgomery, Alabama
Mar 17 1,600 demonstrate at Montgomery, Alabama courthouse
Mar 18 Soviet cosmonauts float in space
M 21-25 MLK: Alabama march (Selma to Montgomery capital 25,000)
Mar 24 ?SDS organizes first Viet War teach-in: University of Michigan
(all night) 500 expected, 3000 come
Mar 28 MLK on tv calls for boycott of Alabama
Dylan to England (tour filmed for Don't Look Back)
Mar Sen. Frank Church & Geo McGovern come out against the war
Apr 2 Kesey busted for marijuana first time
Apr 5 Alpert & Metzner at Vanguard Theater, Greenwich Village
Apr 17 SDS leads first antiVietwar march in Washington: 25,000
`March on Washington to End the War in Vietnam'
I.F. Stone & Sen. Ernest Gruening of Alaska speak
Phil Ochs, Judy Collins, Baez / 20,000 (Bd & Pup)
April 25,000 American troops in Vietnam
(note: number of marchers almost equal to number of troops)
May 3 Drop City commune founded, ?in New Mexico?
on Interstate Hwy 125 into Colorado
May 6 First two Marine divisions arrive Vietnam
65 May Beatles: A Ticket to Ride hit
May Berkeley: Vietnam Day & teach-ins at many other colleges
May 17 National Teach-in broadcast over radio from Wash.
May L.A. Free Press starts regular publication
(the Mime Troupe)
Spring Albin House concerts
May 26 Riverside County salmonella crisis causes new look at
water supplies in the US
1965 June Red Dog Saloon, Charlatans at Virginia City
First psychedlic light shows by Bill Ham
First "Happening": Wholly Communion,
with Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Corso & English poets,
Royal Albert Hall, London (June 11):
Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone single released
(and meets The Band)
June 11 Queen awards Beatles the MBE
June 12 Ky heads new military regime in South Vietnam (more on Ky)
Summer Baez/Sandperl Institute for the Study of Nonviolence (Carmel):
first students
Summer Byrds: Mr. Tambourine Man hit
Summer (Sept 8?) National Farm Workers Association joins
Delano grape walkout by 800 AFL-CIO pickers;
within a week, 2000 pickers (led by Chavez)
strike in two counties (33 growers, one quarter of
the table grape industry) (by 65: 1700 member families)
July First Provo manifesto appears in Amsterdam
July 25 Dylan goes rock and gets booed at Newport Folk Fest
(backed up by Paul Butterfield Blues Band)
(and wearing London mod)
July Natl Coord Committee to End the War in Vietnam formed
summer attempts to stop troop trains in Berkeley & Emeryville
summer SDS starts ERAP in West Oakland
65 Aug Help! released
Aug Dylan: Highway 61 Revisited
Aug Eve of Destruction released, goes to top of charts
within 5 weeks (fastest rising song in rock history)
("you're old enough to kill, but not for votin'")
Aug Joan Baez's first hit: There But For Fortune
Aug Kesey meets Hunter Thompson who introduces the Hells Angels
to the Merry Pranksters; Ginsberg & Alpert are at the party
Aug 6 LBJ signs Voting Rights Act
65 A 11-16 Watts uprising
Aug 13 Marty Balin opens Matrix: Jefferson Airplane
Beatles at Shea Stadium: 55,000 screaming girls
+ Merry Prankster party at La Honda: Owsley meets Kesey
Aug 26 Last day getting married could improve your draft status
Aug 29 Beatles Hollywood Bowl
Aug 31 LBJ signs law amending Selective Service Act to make draft
card burning a federal offense
65 fall start of mini-skirts in stores?
fall Ballad of Green Berets tops charts
Sept 2 Beatles Cow Palace
Sept 5 SFEx writer Michael Fallon applies the term "hippie"
to the SF counterculture in an article about the
Blue Unicorn coffeehouse where LEMAR (Legalize
Marijuana) & the Sexual Freedom League meet,
& hippie houses
declares the Beat movement is alive in the Haight
fall Millbrook house breaks up
fall Brigette Bardot in Time and Life
65 Oct. 15 U.C. Berkeley Teach-in & march (Tele Ave) 14,000
Norman Thomas spoke??
Oct. 16 repeat march in Berkeley, to Oakland Army Base
[15,000 - Bohemia book]
(Vietnam Day Committee) & conflicts w police & Hell's Angels
Catholic Worker David Miller burns draft card
Oct. 16 Viet protests (teach-ins, marches) in 80 cities including
Fifth Ave, NY 15-20,000; Ann Arbor; Madison; Boston;
Detroit; Phil; Tokyo; London; Rome +)
100,000 people in nearly 1,000 cities (Hayden)
Natl Coord Com to End the War in Viet
Oct. 16 Family Dog's First Concert
"A Tribute to Dr. Strange" at Longshoreman's Hall (ILWU),
Fisherman's Wharf: Jefferson Airplane & Charlatans
(with Dan Hicks)
Oct 18 First draft card burning arrest (under new law): David Miller
Che Guevara goes to Bolivia
Nov Unsafe at Any Speed published (Ralph Nader)
Nov 1 J.Edgar Hoover: war demos in US "represented a minority for
the most part composed of halfway citizens who are neither
morally, mentally, nor emotionally mature"
1965 Nov 2 (election day) Norman Morrison, 32 yr old Quaker, father of
three, immolates self below Secretary of Defense McNamara's
Pentagon window to protest Vietnam War
Nov 6 Bill Graham's first: benefit to raise money for Mime
Troupe, busted for performing in park without a permit
(Airplane, Fugs, Warlocks, Committee, Ferlinghetti +++)
Nov 9-10 Power Failure: NY & east coast
Nov 9 Roger Allen La Porte, Catholic Worker, immolates self
in front of UN
Nov 22 Dylan marries Sara Lowndes & moves to Woodstock
Nov 27 `March on Washington for Peace in Vietnam' Wash, D.C.
15,000 (Life, Chron), 25,000 (Bd & Pupt), 30,000 (D.S.)
SANE + Natl Coordg Committee of left wing orgs.
Mar to Dec: Wm Frosch at Bellevue Psych Hosp, NY,
treats 65 acid freak-outs
Dec Selective Service calling up 40,200/month
Dec 10 Bill Graham second benefit for Mime Troupe,
at Fillmore (first time there) Fillmore & Geary - 3,500
Dec 15 Gemini 6 & 7 rendezvous in space
D 21-J6 Tom Hayden (26), Lynd, Aptheker to Hanoi
Dec 25 Leary stopped at the Mexican border & busted for mj
Dec 27 Old leadership of SDS unseated & women hold a closed
door workshop at the SDS convention
1965 National Welfare Rights Organization founded
3 books out on the New Left
1965 end: 184,000 American troops in Vietnam
My Girl, I Got You Babe, Hang on Sloopy, Help Me Rhonda,
Stop in the Name of Love, Woolly Bully
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Otis Redding
The Year of "Folk-Rock"
Simon & Garfunkel: Sounds of Silence
*Donovan: Catch The Wind & Fairytale
*Rolling Stones Now! & Out of Our Heads
w Satisfaction & December's Child
*Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home w Mr. Tambourine Man
& Hwy 61 Revisited w Like A Rolling Stone
*Beatles: We Can Work It Out/Day Tripper
Rubber Soul w Yesterday
*Byrds: Mr. Tambourine Man
& Turn! Turn! Turn!
when was Eight Miles High with sitar
*(Paul) Butterfield Blues Band
*frm UK: Animals (w Eric Burdon):
We Gotta Get Out of this Place
*frm UK: Yardbirds (with Eric Clapton): For Your Love
*frm UK: Them (with Van Morrison)
Lovin Spoonful
The Fugs in the Village
(rock musicians with poets Ginsberg, Corso)
The Knack - And How to Get It
Fellini: Juliet of the Spirits
The Loved One - Evelyn Waugh (Forest Lawn)
John Barth: The Sot-Weed Factor listed under 1960 also
Malcolm X Autobiography (published posthumously)
(written by Alex Haley)
Manchild in the Promised Land - Claude Brown
Unsafe At Any Speed - Ralph Nader
Light on Yoga - B.K.S. Iyengar
Dune - Frank Herbert
?African Genesis
George Leonard of Look Mag & Michael Murphy, founder Esalen
Institute, found Human Potential Movement
pop art
1966 400-1000 U.S. draftees flee to Canada
Peace Corps peak ?enrollment: 16,000
Defense Secretary Robert McNamara announces "Project
100,000" to rehabilitate and draft "rejects"
James Brown's first appearance before white audiences
(at Madison Square Garden, NYC)
Swami Satchidananda founds Integral Yoga Institute
Chinese Cultural Revolution 1966 to late 1968-69
N.O.W. (National Organization of Women) founded
Freedom of Information Act
66 Model Cities Program passed by Congress (check)
Jan 3 Ron & Jay Thelin open head shop on Haight Street:
The Psychedelic Shop
Jan 8 8,000 GIs attack Iron Triangle, after B-52 bombing strikes
Jan 14 march on Atlanta to protest ouster of Julian Bond,
Negro pacifist, from Georgia House of Representatives,
after his endorsement of SNCC statement criticial of
US involvement in Viet; MLK spoke
Jan 17 A US B-52 bomber collides with a tanker aircraft during
mid-air refueling operation. Three 10-megaton H-bombs
drop onto Palomares, Spain below; a fourth falls into
the sea. Luckily, none of them explodes. The entire
event is ?covered up. (Rough Guide: Spain p.173)
Jan 20 Kesey busted again (with Mountain Girl)
J 21-23 Stewart Brand's Trips Fest, Longshoreman's Hall, SF:
first light show, Grateful Dead, 10,000 people
Feb Kesey disappears (to Mexico)
Feb 4 Bill Graham's first non-benefit show
Feb 19 first Chet Helms concert at Fillmore (Airplane & Big Brother)
Mar Time sez there's an acid epidemic get this?
March SFEx front page: bust of 25 "beatnicks" from 408 Ashbury
66 Mar 10 Provos in Amsterdam smoke "bomb" royal wedding
of Dutch Crown Princess to German
Mar 11 Timothy Leary sentenced in Texas to 30 years for
trying to cross into Mexico as a tourist with a small
amount of marijuana; Leary appeals & gives press interviews
March President of GM apologizes to Senate subcommittee
for investigating Nader's private life
+ car safety protests
66 Watts flares up again
when? (early) all time DOW Jones high (995.15); drop starts
(to end of year)
Mar 25? Life: Photos of firing squads in South Vietnam
M 25-27 March, Fifth Ave, NYC - 25,000 anti-Viet
+ 7 U.S. & 7 foreign cities
Est Sun Love-in Elysian Park??? (Amelia sez) CHECK THIS
Est Sun 25-day, 250 mile NFWA march arrives Sacramento
Volunteer picketing of groceries starts
Life: NFWA becoming first effective fmwkrs union
East Day after: youths riot at Glen Echo Amusement Park, Wash D.C.
Apr FBI treats the press to its LSD file
-> negative press on LSD
Apr 7 Sandoz stops supplying LSD to researchers
66 Apr Life: Is USSR/China break starting?
Vietnam: Buddhists protest dismissal of Buddhist Lt. Gen Thi
from the government by South Vietnam Premier Ky
30 Mississippi Negroes build tent city under LBJ's window
to protest housing conditions in Mississippi
April Richard Farina's Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up
To Me published, and Farina killed
Brower & the Grand Canyon dams [more!]
Discotheques going: The Trip, LA; The Cheetah,
Broadway NY; Arthur, NY; The World, Garden City, NY;
Le Bison, Chicago; The Lightworks - multiscreen light
shows by Andy Warhol [ditto Look Nov 30: 50+]
Life: teen-age bands forming everywhere with electric
guitars and colorful names
Apr 12 NY Stock Exchange anti-war leafletting
Apr 14 75 demo outside NY Stock Exchange
Ap 16 4,400 march NYC
Ap 16 G. Gordon Liddy & FBI raid Millbrook
& bust Leary for possession of mj
April (end of) Helms to Avalon (Sutter & Van Ness)
May Dylan: Blonde on Blonde
May Beatles: Paperback Writer/Rain
May 10 Vietnam: General Thi dismissed
from government by Ky; Buddhist revolt starts
May 15 10,000+ picket White House & rally at Wash Mon w 63,000
(SANE + 4 other organizations)
M 20-23 Buddhist & labor union demonstrations against Ky govt in Saigon
May 26 Second day of Internatl Days of Protest: 20,000 Fifth Ave, NYC
called by "National Coordinating Committee to End the
War in Vietnam"
May 29 Buddhist nun immolates self in Hue, the first of
eleven immolations in next three? weeks
June 15,000 hippies living in the Haight
June Provos elect first representative to Amsterdam Municipal Council
J 1-2 White House Conf on Civil Rights with
Roy Wilkins of NAACP; Whitney Young Jr of Natl Urban League;
Floyd McKissick & James Farmer of CORE;
Martin Luther King Jr of SCLC; Stokely Carmichael of SNCC
("We feel that integration is irrelevant. We have
got to go after political power.").
June 3 Graduation protest at Amherst (McNamara honorable degree)
June 6 James Meredith shot while marching alone thru Mississippi
to encourage Negroes to register to vote
June 7 MLK (SCLC), Floyd McKissick (CORE), Stokely Carmichael
(SNCC) announce larger march on same route
June 8 Graduation protest at NYU (McNamara honorable degree):
270 walk out
June 9 NYTimes Sierra Club ad on Grand Canyon dams
June 10 IRS tells Sierra Club it will lose its tax
deductible status if it keeps taking such political stands
June 12 Graduation protest at Brandeis (Goldberg honorable degree)
June 13 Sup Ct: Miranda case: suspects entitled to be informed of
their rights when arrested (right to remain silent,
be told anything you say may be used against you,
have a lawyer)
1966 J 13-15 Confrontation between Amsterdam police & demonstrating
construction workers with Provo supporters, Dam Square
June 21 March ends at Mississippi capital in Jackson, with
15,000, with Meredith, recovered, there to speak
Summer Haight Ashbury: Shops opening, dances every weekend,
HIP merchants, Diggers
Morning Star Ranch, owned by Lou Gottlieb
of the Limelighters, along with Ramon Sender, open
the land (32 acres) to anyone who wants to live there
LA: Sunset Strip scene
Velvet Underground at The Trip
June 24 Ky agrees to add ten civilians to his military directorate
& announces elections for constitutional convention
J 29-J5 US starts bombing major oil facilities in Hanoi
& Haiphong harbor
July (early) Beatles to Germany, Japan, Philippines
J 1-4 CORE adopts Black Power concepts, Baltimore
J 3-5 Omaha Negro uprising
J 4-9 NAACP rejects Black Power concepts, LA
J 12-15 Negro uprising in Chicago
July 13 Eight Chicago nurses killed by Richard Speck
J 15-22 Negro, Puerto Rican uprising Brooklyn
July 16 SF: Negro off-duty policeman shooting of Negro
armed robbery suspect followed by Hunters Pt demonstrations
July 18 Negro uprising Jacksonville, Fla
J 18-23 Negro uprising Cleveland
July 24 McClure's "The Beard" busted at Fillmore
J 28-29 White gangs invade Baltimore Negro district
July 29 Dylan motorcycle accident ->15 mos convalesence
Aug 1 U of Texas sniper kills 16 & wounds 31 from observ. tower
Aug 3 Lenny Bruce dead at 40 (Hollywood)
Aug 5 4,000 whites confront MLK marching with 600 in Chicago
Aug 6 (21st anniversary Hiroshima): anti-war demos:
5,000 Times Square NY + Phil, SF, Madison, Cleveland,
Denver, Minneapolis, LA, Pittsburgh, Boston, Atlanta,
Niagara Falls
Aug 9 (21st anniversary Nagasaki): 200 demo Dow, NY
Aug Gemini 10 shoots pix of world surfaces
HUAC hearings: Rubin in revolutionary outfit (Gitlin p. 233)
Emmett Grogan, living near the Haight, joins Mime Troupe
&, with Billy Landout, starts the Diggers, putting out
the Digger Papers
66 Aug Jefferson Airplane first album released nationally
Aug Youngbloods: Lets Get Together
Aug Beatles: Revolver released
Aug another Beatles tour: Beatlemania again
with Bible Belt record burnings based on Lennon's
remarks that "most young people are more
interested in rock `n' roll than in religion . . .
we're more popular than Jesus now"
66 Aug 29 Beatles: Candlestick Park, SF - last concert ever
S 6-12 Negro uprisings in Atlanta; Carmichael arrested
for "inciting riot" alone with 105? others
Sept 9 SF Oracle starts
Sept 11 First Elections in South Vietnam
Sept first Lunar Orbiter photo of Earth
Vietnam Air War going on
Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam formed
George Harrison to India for 6 weeks to study
sitar with Ravi Shankar
Sept 15 Gemini 11 shoots pix of world surfaces
Sept 19 Baez leads 160 Negro children to Mississippi elem school
Sept late: Leary holds press conf NY Advtg Club announcing
formation of a psychedelic religion - League for
Spiritual Discovery ("Turn on, tune in, drop out")
& starts nightly presentations at the Village Theater
Sept 25 LA Free Press headline: The lesser of two evils
is still an evil (explain) (?about Reagan?)
Oct 6 LSD illegal - first big free concert in GGPk Panhandle
(sev thous people at "Love Pageant Rally")
& Diggers started free food in Panhandle (to March 67)
Oct DMZ Battle
Oct Bobby Seale & Huey P. Newton form Black Panthers of Oakland
(met as student leaders at Merritt College, dropped out,
& working as community organizers for the North Oakland
Poverty Program, write 10-point platform & program.
Stand-up comedian Seale becomes "Chairman",
Newton "Minister of Defense", start patrolling Oakland
on weekend nights
66 Oct 19 Kesey, back from Mexico, arrested
Oct 25 UCLA Teach-in
Oct 31 Ken Kesey's Acid Test Graduation
Nov 5 Walk for Love and Peace and Freedom: 10,000+ (NYC?)
Ginsberg, Snyder, Krassner, Fugs (Mobilization)
"first hippie style demo in NYC"
Nov? Housewives revolt against soaring food prices
LBJ trip to Cam Ranh Bay
Nov 8 First Negro elected to Senate (Massachusetts)
Nov CAFF demonstrations on Sunset Strip (over teen curfew)
-> Byrds?: Look What's Happening There
Nov Reagan elected gov of Calif (66-74)
Lunar Orbiter II: photos of moon
Dec 6 Rally, Madison Sq Garden: SANE & 36 supporting organizations
Floyd McKissick, I.F. Stone, Pete Seeger
100s of balloons with peace doves released from ceiling
Dec 100 student leaders send letter to LBJ (covered in
NYT front page) warning that unless the government
changes its war policy, more & more of its young men
will choose jail rather than bare arms
Dec Cream's first album: Fresh Cream
(Eric Clapton from John Mayall,
Jack Bruce from Manfred Mann, and drummer
Ginger Baker from Graham Bond's Organization)
Dec 17 Death & Rebirth of the Haight-Ashbury
(Hairy Henry + Fyllis bust)
1966 end: 385,000 American troops in Vietnam
Green Berets
Jacques Brel at the peak of popularity in France
Suzanne - Leonard Cohen
Dylan: Blonde on Blonde
Beatles: Yesterday and Today *Revolver
*John meets Yoko
*RS: Aftermath & Got Live
*Byrds: Turn, Turn, Turn (or was it 65?) & Fifth Dimension
*Donovan: Sunshine Superman
*The Who
*Mamas & Papas: California Dreamin & Monday Monday
Beach Boys: Good Vibrations
*Simon & Garfunkel: Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.
*Sounds of Silence
*Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme
which :Scarborough Fair
*Hollies (from UK)
The Association
Judy Collins: In My Life
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
(Prod. Mike Nichols: "raw dialogue" & Liz Taylor)
Bergman: Persona
Antonioni: Blow Up
King of Hearts first released
Cul-de-Sac directed by Roman Polanski
Fahrehheit 451 directed by Truffaut
Morgan! with Vanessa Redgrave
Tom Jones
Raquel Welch
Alfie, A Man & A Woman
Fantastic Voyage (movie)
Georgy Girl with Lynn Redgrave
Alan Watts: The Book - On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Norman O. Brown: Love's Body
Masters & Johnson: Human Sexual Response
Intelligent Life in the Universe - I.S. Shklovskii & Carl Sagan
John Barth's Giles Goat-Boy (university organized as military)
Eric Berne's Games People Play (recheck if 65)
Rod McKuen: Stanyan Street (?and other poems?)
Foxfire project started, Rabun County High School, Georgia
National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) founded
when? Free University in New York
?Ledbetter's in LA
1967 Toronto group starts to help draft resistors
who are fleeing to Canada, eventually 20,000 come
Birth-rate [crude], declining since 1957, drops to lowest level
in history
when? Chavez calls first grape boycott
when? Jann Wenner (21) drops out of U.C. Berkeley
and starts Rolling Stone Magazine
Jan 1 New Year's Day Wail! - Angel's party for the Haight
in the Panhandle - "First free rock concert in the park"
Jan 1 Steve Durky/Durkee starts to buy land for Lama Foundation,
northern New Mexico (re-ck Communes USA)
Jan Leary's LSD "Celebration" arrives in SF
Jan 6 Berkeley Strike
[Jan 10 Provos in Amsterdam "bomb" royal wedding] delete? see 3/10/66
US troops move into Mekong delta
Jan 14 Gathering of the Tribes for the First Human Be-In -
20,000 Polo Field GGP
[20,000 Bohemians bk ?!300,000(Ringolevio)]
(Ginsburg, McLure, Snyder, Leary, Ferlinghetti, Lenore
Kandel) put on by Haight Independent Proprieters (H.I.P.)
+ the Communication Co.
Jan 18 Leary speaks at UCLA
Jan 23 Kerr announces tuition for U.C.
Jan 27 US, USSR, UK sign treaty banning nuc weapons in space
Jan 27 death of Grissom, White, Chaffee Apollo 1 blow up
puts several month halt to space program
67 Feb 25,000 US troops to Cambodian border
Feb *Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever
(second use of sitar ?in pop/rock music)
and Penny Lane, Michelle, Yesterday
Feb 19 Tribal Stomp (explain)
spring SF: Happening House, Huckleberry House,
and the Switchboard started, as well as Free Clinic
Mar 1 Adam Clayton Powell denied House seat
(re-elected without campaign April 11)
Mar 1? Emmet Grogan to NY ("6 wks" to Apr 9)
Mar Mime Troupe busted at Univ of Calgary for marijuana seed
March James Hoffa finally goes to prison (appeals exhausted)
(8 year sentence)
March Science: LSD causes chromosome damage
March Berk Barb: smokable banana rumor
67 March Haight people start to hear about and
visit to Morning Star Farm (Sonoma)
Mar 9 Fillmore opens 6 nights/week
Mar 26 10,000 at Be-In NY Central Park (Easter?) the Equinox??
Mar 18 The first big oil spill:
Torrey Canyon U.S. supertanker wreck
off Land's End, England: 119,000 tons/90,000 tons
wash up on Devon, Cornwall, Brittany
Apr 5 Grayline Tours starts touring Haight
Apr 7 Tom Donahue takes over KMPX, turns it into prog rock
A 8-10 Nashville Negro uprising, following Carmichael's
speech at Fisk University
Tenn Hse of Reps calls for Carmichael's
deportation from the state?
wk bef Apr 15: 1965 draft card law held unconstitutional
by US first Circuit Court of Appeals
67 A 10-15 Vietnam Week: draft card burnings and turn-ins
& anti-draft recruiter demonstrations
Apr 15 400,000 march from Central Park to UN against V War
addressed by MLK, McKissick, Carmichael, Spock
("led by MLK's Spring Mobilization Committee To End the
War in Vietnam") & SF 65,000 (Bd & Pup est.)
250,000 Bd & Pup & 175 draft cards burned
A 11-24 Open housing drive: Louisville, Ky
Apr 16 Negro uprising, Cleveland
Apr 21 Military junta seizes control of Greece (deposing king)
May first week Oakland Black Panthers demonstrate in the State
legislature; first national media attention
wkbfM19 Stokely Carmichael turns over Chair SNCC to H. Rap Brown
May Bertrand Russell's War Crimes Tribunal meets in
Stockholm, denounces U.S. leaders for
crimes against humanity in Vietnam
May `End of Provo' event - Vondelpark, Amsterdam
--> formation of Kabouters
May Life: "Who Says College Kids Have Changed?
At Indiana Univ, the students' main concern is
looking out for No. 1"
1967 May Paul McCartney reveals that Beatles have all taken acid
(May 20 NYC: Flower Power Day)
May 27 Scott MacKenzie: Are You Going to San Francisco enters charts
May 30 Biafra declares independence from Nigeria
May 30 (Mem. Day) NYC, Tompkins Square Park, Lower East Side:
confrontation between hippies & Puerto Ricans
June Alpert to India for 3 mos
June early - Diggers attend & boggle SDS meeting in Michigan
June 2 Sgt. Pepper released US
J 16-18 Monterrey Pop Fest: 50,000 hear Byrds, Jef
Airp, Otis Redding, Mamas & Papas, Shankar
+ new Joplin, Hendrix, Who
June Steve Durkee founds Lama (Foundation) 115 acres New Mexico
67 June 21 Solstice party in Golden Gate Park: 30-50,000?
? "First day of summer": New Buffalo founded near Taos,
New Mexico (9 miles south of Lama)
June 25 Beatles on tv introduce "All You Need Is Love"
"Summer of Love": 75,000/100,000 in Hashbury
[100,000 - Bohemians bk]
June (end) Kesey sentenced to 6 mos.
June 30 448,800 American troops in Vietnam
(summer Dylan playing with The Band at Big Pink)
July?? First Reggae Sunsplash Festival
July 2 Congress passes Selective Service Act reform:
ends grad student deferments & puts them in a pool to
be drafted in June 68
(July 5 Diggers become the Free City Collective)
July 11 Fonteyn & Nureyev busted in Haight
67 July 12-17 Negro uprising, Newark, NJ
(set off bycab driver John Smith's beating by police, after
arrest for tailgating & driving the wrong way on one-way street)
1000 injured, 1400 arrested, 16 mill dollars property damage
July 19 Congress outlaws crossing state lines to "incite to riot"
J 23-30 Detroit Negro uprising: largest U.S. riot of the century
July 25 H. Rap Brown speech in Cambridge is followed by uprising
(rt bef next) 1,100 at Black Power Conference in Newark:
Playwright LeRoi Jones; H. Rap Brown of SNCC;
Charles Kenyatta of the Harlem Mau Maus;
Ron Karenga of US; Dick Gregory
July 26 H. Rap Brown arrested Washington airport under the new law
July 27 Uprisings: Toledo, Ohio; Rochester, NY;
East Harlem (Puerto Rican youths); Pontiac, Mich +++
(100+ cities)
Natl Guard called out for first time in quarter century
Aug when? Abbie Hoffman & others drop dollar bills on the
floor of the New York Stock Exchange
67 Aug 1 Stokely Carmichael calls for black revolution at
conference for Lat-Am Solidarity in Havana
echoed by Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (in Bimini)
first use of "black" noticed by media
Aug 3&6 Shob & Superspade killed
(John Kent Carter, 25 & William Thomas, 26)
when? Doors: Light My Fire Top 40 14 weeks
Aug Life: Discotheques "dazzle senses in an attempt to
simulate a drug experience": Electric Circus in the
East Village adds audience participation
Life: "its quite the thing to do to head for Kathmandu"
Shankar touring US & opens Kinnara school of music LA
Aug 7/8 George & Pattie Harrison visit the Haight
Aug 15 MLK urges civil disobedience drive in northern cities
& support of peace candidate in 68 (at Southern
Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta)
Aug 25 Beatles go to Wales to talk to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
about Transcendental Meditation
Aug last week: Chocolate George killed in car collision
Aug 30 Thurgood Marshall, first black Sup Ct Justice, appointed
Sept? Alpert meets Bhagwan Dass at the Blue Tibetan in Katmandu,
stays in India & follows him until he meets his guru
Sept 500,000 in South Vietnam, 600,000 in Southeast Asia
Sept Tom Hayden & 30 Americans meet North Vietnamese leaders in
Czechoslovakia; Hayden goes on to Vietnam to help
return three U.S. P.O.W.s (to Nov 11)
Sept 15 Donovan at Hollywood Bowl (must be)
Oct 2 Dead House at 710 Ashbury is busted
Oct 3 Woody Guthrie dies
Oct 4 Psychedelic Shop closes
and Thelins go to Wash DC for exorcism of Pentagon
Oct 5 Lawrence Lipton starts class at UCLA
67 Oct 6 Death of Hippie, Loyal Son of Media, birth of free man
Oct 8 Che Guevara killed in Bolivia (by troops trained in U.S.)
Oct 9 First edition Rolling Stone
Oct Carl Stokes becomes first black mayor of Cleveland
Oct 6-12 LA Free Press: Why did you get up this morning?
67 Oct 11&12+? Teach-in at UCLA (w David Harris)
Oct 12 "A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority", NY Review of Books
2,000 sign, including academics, clergymen, writers
O 16-22 Stop the Draft Week: Anti-draft/draft-card "turn-in" rallies:
Chicago, Phil, Boston, Cincinnati, Portland
organized by National Mobilization Committee,
a broad coalition of pacifist, religious, & radical groups
O 17 Joan Baez + 122 arrested Oak Induction Center
date? & Rev Wm Sloane Coffin Jr (43, Yale chaplain),
Dr Benjamin Spock (64), Mitchell Goodman (41, novelist),
Marcus Raskin (33, former White House Disarmament aide
& co-director of Washington research organization), and
Michael Ferber (23, Harvard grad student)
and 1 other deliver draft cards to U.S. Justice Dept.
O 21-22 35,000/50,000/100,000 Wash DC - 647 arrested at Pentagon
O 21 Diggers "Exorcism of the Pentagon"
(psychedelic face paint & flowers stuck in barrels of guns)
Oct Rev. Philip Berrigan, a Josephite priest, Tom Lewis,
David Eberhardt, and James Mengel pour duck's blood over
draft files in the Baltimore, Md. Sel. Serv. hdqs.
Oct 28 5 a.m.: Huey Newton (25) questioned by police in Oakland
"desolate district". One hour later under arrest at hospital
w gunshot wound in stomach. Few weeks later indicted
on murder of one officer (John Frey Jr.), wounding of
another, & kidnapping of bystander.
Nov 7 Gen. Hershey announces draft crackdown on deferred
college students who are active in anti-war demos
Nov 14 5,000 demo outside NY foreign policy banquet
addressed by Sec of State Rusk
Nov 21 Exorcism of the Pentagon, Wash DC march: 50,000
250 arrested including Norman Mailer
(N 25 "last flower-child hippie-type demos in NYC -
after this, militant")
Nov Air war against N. Viet accelerated (bombing Hanoi)
Nov Don McCoy & friends start community at Olompoli Ranch
Nov Cream: Disreali Gears
Nov 30 Eugene McCarthy (Senator from Minnesotta) announces
candidacy, running on anti-war platform
was this the start of the People's Party?
Dec Life: Return of the Red Man
Dec 4 MLK announces Poor People's Campaign in Wash D.C.
(to start late spring)
Dec 5 Opening of Apple Shop, Baker St, London
with murals by The Fool
Black boycott of Olympics (announced?)
Dec 5-8 "Stop the Draft Week" at Whitehall, NY Army Induction Center
546/585 arrested, including Spock & Ginsberg
+ Madison, Manchester N.H., Cincinnati, New Haven
Dec 8? Otis Redding records "Dock of the Bay", his only major hit
Dec 10 Otis Redding dies at 26 in plane crash
Dec 22 Owsley busted in Orinda (stops production of acid)
solst "people started to leave for the country"
Dec?? Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
Dec 31 Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, Dick Gregory,
& friends pronounce themselves "Yuppies"
1967 end: 486,000 American troops in Vietnam
Of the 15,000 killed, 60% died in 1967
Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour
*RS: Between the Buttons w Ruby Tuesday
& Flowers
& Satanic Majesty
*Donovan: Mellow Yellow
*Wear Your Love Like Heaven
San Francisco - John Phillips
*Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow (second album)
*Grateful Dead
*Big Brother & the Holding Co (w Janis Joplin)
*Byrds: Younger Than Yesterday
*Buffalo Springfield
*Country Joe and the Fish
*Jimi Hendrix: Experienced
*Doors: Light My Fire & first album
& Strange Days
when was The End with sitar?
*Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
*Velvet Underground: first
*Van Morrison (on his own) (from UK)
*Bee Gees (from UK)
*Spencer Davis Group (from UK)
*Pink Floyd (from UK)
*Procol Harum (from UK)
*UK: John Mayall ?Bluesbreakers(with Eric Clapton)
Incredible String Band (from UK)
*Canned Heat
*Moby Grape
*Pearls Before Swine
Arlo Guthrie: Alice's Restaurant
Simon & Garfunkel: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary
& Thyme??? w Feelin Groovy
Janis Ian (16)'s first hit?: Society's Child
(about interracial dating)
Judy Collins: Who Knows Where the Time Goes
Leaving on a Jet Plane - John Denver
Waist Deep in the Big Muddy - Pete Seeger
*Laura Nyro
? :Up Up & Away
TV: Smothers Brothers
D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back (Dylan)
Bonnie & Clyde
The Battle of Algiers
Ingrid Bergman returns to US stage for first time
after her US career was "killed by scandel" in the late 40s
La Guere est Finie directed by Alain Resnais
How I Won the War with John Lennon
The Graduate directed by Mike Nichols
(The Dirty Dozen)
Planet of the Apes [check]
R. D. Laing: Politics of Experience
Richard Brautigan: Trout-fishing in America
Lama Foundation, San Cristobal, New Mexico, founded
(Washington Mag says maxis)
1968 number of divorces, & divorce rate, both jump by 12%
and start rise
Charlie Hall, Hashbury, invents the waterbed as a school project
Steve Gaskin starts the Monday Night Class
Yogi Bhajan comes to U.S. to teach Kundalini Yoga
(Healthy, Happy, Holy)
when? Huey Newton starts 34 mos in jail during trial for
manslaughter in Oakland (released 1970)
Wiretapping becomes a federal crime
Gun Control Act curbs sale of handguns
Dec 67 - mid-68: first heart transplants
Hong Kong flu (?the first flu brot back from Vietnam?)
when? Dennis Banks, Russell Means, Clyde Bellecort & others
found AIM in Minneapolis, working towards improving
living conditions for urban Indians
Akwesasne Notes started by members of Mohawk Nation
Amer scientists tell natives evacuated in 1946 from
Bikini it is safe to return; by 1978, 139 who return
found to contain dangerous levels of cesium & re-evacuated
The dollar is worth 362 yen; Japan is still known
for "cheap" trinket import items
68 SDS has 100,000 "members"
Ivan E. Sutherland at Univ of Utah, invents first
head-mounted Virtual Reality display, but
powerful enough computer to use with it does not yet exist
Dylan: John Wesley Harding
Carnegie Hall: Tribute to Woody Guthrie
(Pete Seeger, Jack Elliott, Judy Collins,
Arlo Guthrie, Tom Paxton, Odetta, Richie Havens,
& Dylan with The Band)
Jan-May 40,000 students participate in 221 major demonstrations
on 101 campuses
Jan 2 Federal: bilingual ed.
Jan 5 Spock, Coffin, Mitchell Goodman, Michael Ferber, &
Marcus Raskin indicted for delivering draft cards (Oct)
Jan 16 Youth International Party (Y.I.P.) founded -
Country Joe & Fish, Fugs, Ginsberg, Arlo Guthrie,
Abbie Hoffman, Paul Krassner, Phil Ochs, Jerry Rubin
(25 artists, writers & revolutionaries)
68 Jan 18 Eartha Kitt visiting LBJ at White House speaks out
against the war
Jan 22 B-52 carrying H-Bomb crashes in Greenland
Jan 23 Pueblo seized by Korea
Jan 31 Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive - (to Feb 24)
70,000 Viet Cong troops attack 100 S.Viet cities
start of the turnaround
+ picture of police chief shooting VC in head
Feb 9 In the land of the blind
Feb 16 Draft deferments for most grad students & all
occupational deferments eliminated
Feb 17 Second Tribal Stomp
Feb Leary evicted from Millbrook house
Feb *Beatles to India to visit Maharishi
(at Rishikesh on the Ganges)
+ Mia Farrow, Donovan
Ringo stays 10 days, Paul 9 weeks, John & George longer
& Maharishi Mahesh coming to US
Feb 29 RFK & Javits, NY's Senators, speak out
Morning Star Ranch busts -> Wheeler Ranch opened to settlers
winter Bill Wheeler (28) opens nearby Sheep Ridge Ranch (Wheeler's
Ranch) (320 acres) for people to live on the land
Mar 2 RFK speech to Congress about Vietnam
68 Mar 8-9 Warsaw student uprisings, Mar 11 workers uprising
March Hue bombed to rubble in "25 days of horror" to retake
from VC / during "peace feelers"
(including Mylai massacre March 16: 200 - 500 villagers killed)
Mar McCarthy's "Children's Crusade": thousands work on New
Hampshire primary, calling on nearly every voter in the state
Mar 12 10,000 students go door to door in heavy snows
Mar 12 Eugene McCarthy wins 42% of New Hampshire vote, overtaking
the Pres, & causing RFK to "reconsider" on Vietnam
(& LBJ not to run, sez Great Expectations p.113)
Mar 16 RFK declares candidacy
Mar 19 Pres advisors advise getting out of Vietnam war
(Mar 22 first N.Y. YIP event)
Olympic boycott
Mar 31 LBJ announces decision not to run again
and offers partial bombing halt
and appointment of Averell Harriman to seek negotiations
Apr 1 Supreme Court extends one-man, one-vote doctrine
to local governments ?Baker vs. Carr -> reapportionment
68 Apr 4 MLK shot and killed, at Memphis motel, 7 p.m.
during Poor People's Campaign (39 years old);
within two hours:
A 4-11 Black uprisings Chicago, Baltimore, Wash DC, Cincinnati,
Boston, Detroit, Phil, SF, Toldeo, Pittsburgh
125 cities in 29 states total
Apr 6 Cleaver arrested with a bullet-shattered leg
during Oak police ambush on Panthers
+ Bobby Hutton (17) shot and killed
Apr 11 LBJ signs civil rights bill banning housing discrimination
(with anti-riot felony amendment)
Apr 11 Major call-up of reserves for duty in Vietnam
Apr 14 (Easter Sunday) Love-in Malibu Canyon
Peak of demonstrations in West Berlin against
Axel Springer & his publishing empire, after
assasination attempt on Rudi Dutschke ("Red Rudy")
Apr 15 Spring Mobilization against the war
68 A 23-30 Students take over 5 Colombia Univ bldgs
protesting University's affiliation with the Institute for
Defense Analysis and its Pentagon-related research, and
construction of athletic facility opposed by neighboring Harlem
(Mark Rudd becomes famous as leader)
700+ arrested, strike continues for another month
Apr 25 Paul Horn records in the Taj Mahal
Apr 29 Rev. Ralph Abernathy succeeds MLK as President
of Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Ap/May Black Panthers start Free Breakfast for Children program
My 2-17 SCLC Poor People's March on Washington
3,000 erect Resurrection City, tent city on the Mall
My 2-14 Street fighting in Paris
May 13 US & Viet begin talks in Paris
68 M 13-30 France: Sorbonne demonstrations: humanism vs technology
French students occupy the Sorbonne
Demonstrations in Madrid, Rome, Berlin, NY,
& Czechoslovakia (during "Prague Spring")
May Two Virgins: Lennon & Yoko naked
Beatles launch Apple Corps
when? Former Stanford Student Body President David Harris
marries Joan Baez
May Life: abundance of show biz people in Presidential campaign
68 May 21 Tom Donahue & djs from KMPX start [new format at] KSAN
May 21 Second mass arrest at Columbia University
May 22 H. Rap Brown of SNCC convicted for carrying weapon
across state lines
May 24 Philip Berrigan & Tom Lewis sentenced to 6 years
May before or after? Philip Berrigan, out on bail, and
brother Daniel, a Jesuit priest, and seven others
remove records from Catonsville, Md. draft board
office and set them on fire outside in the presence
of reporters and onlookers
May 28 McCarthy wins over RFK in Oregon primaries
June 3 Andy Warhol shot
June 4 Calif primaries: RFK wins
June 5 RFK shot (42), Ambassador Hotel, LA
(Sirhan Sirhan arrested)
(Jn 8 James Earl Ray (accused of MLK murder), arrested London)
68 June 14 Spock, Coffin, Ferber, Goodman convicted of conspiracy
for "draft counseling"
1968 June oldest baby boomers graduate college
June 18 Monterey Pop
June 25 Poor People's Campaign March 50,000 Georgia to Wash D.C.
June Libre, Colorado community founded
summer early - Hayden to Paris to confer w N. Vietnamese reps.
68 summer Haight Ashbury Media Summer + "Young Americans Abroad"
July 4 Graham first concert at Fillmore West (Van Ness & Market)
July Yellow Submarine movie
July Haight Ashbury riot (including B of A burning
leads to H.I.P. boarding up their stores
Wallace campaign, and McGovern enters the race
J 23-24 Cleveland black uprising
July Pope's birth control encyclical
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed
Operation Breadbasket, Chicago, begins with boycott
of A&P stores over discrim in hiring,
with Jesse Jackson, 27, as head?
July U.S. Viet tropps increase by 19,000 to 535,000
1968?? Peace & Freedom Party campaign?
Cleaver for Pres, then Dick Gregory??
Aug Cream: Wheels of Fire
Aug First Apple release: Beatles: Hey Jude & Revolution
Aug 1000 meet in prayer before UN for food aid to Biafra
Aug Panthers Tommy Lewis, 18 & Steve Bartholomew, 21
and ?Arthur Morris, 28
shot to death by police in Los Angeles
A 20-21 Soviet tanks invade Prague, Czech with 200,000 troops
A 25-29 Democratic Convention in Chicago:
demonstrations & police riot
10,000? demonstrators vs. 11,000 Chicago police;
6,000 National Guard; 7,500 U.S. army troops;
and 1,000 FBI,CIA & army/navy intelligence services agents
(Humphrey nominated on platform supporting the war)
(A 27 candlelight, matches at Yippie Festival concert, coliseum)
fall women's movement groups start in Berkeley
68 Sept 8 Huey Newton (leader Black Panther Party) convicted
Oakland vol manslaughter Oak policeman
Sept Stock Market starts 18 month +? downhill slide
Sept American Indian Movement (AIM) born as a volunteer
street patrol to combat police brutality, Minneapolis
Sept 18 Troops invade Mexico City Natl Univ (demos since mid summer)
Sept "Eldridge Cleaver banned from lecturing on U.C. Berk campus"
Oct 2 After 9 weeks of student strikes,
Mexican military opens fire on 6,000 gathered
in housing project plaza for march on
Natl Polytech Institute to protest army occupation of campus
28-200 killed, 200-500 wounded, 1500 jailed
Oct 3 Yippie Jerry Rubin arrives at HUAC's inquiry into Aug
uprisings w a toy M-16 & a red, blue & yel cape
resembling VC flag
Oct Angela Davis, 26?, goes to jail
Oct 18 John & Yoko busted
Oct late- 4000 demonstrators at U.C. Berk after Regents
deny credit for Cleaver's course
Nov ("a few weeks after late Oct") Cleaver flees to Algeria
68 Nov First Whole Earth Catalog
O31/N1 LBJ orders halt to all bombing in Viet
Nov 5 Nixon defeats Humphrey
(narrowest victory since 1912: .7% (43.4-42.7))
also Shirley Chisholm, first black female
elected to Hse Rep (from NY)
(Stock Market starts drop)
Nov 6 San Francisco State: strike called by students
Pres. S.I. Hayakawa stations several hundred police on campus
Nov Cream's Farewell Concert at the Royal Albert Hall
Priests from all over US meet in Wash to protest Pope's
ban on contraception. Many start to renounce their vows
?Dr. Paul Ehrlich & Dr. Thomas Eisner found ZPG at Yale
Nov Yoko's miscarriage
Nov Hayakawa closes SF State for 8 days (reopens Dec 2)
N?D? Emmet Grogan delivers payment to Fred Hampton in Chicago for
(cooperation?) in the making of a movie called
"American Revolution II"; Hampton later used this as
a medium for forming the Rainbow Coalition
Dec (1) National Commission on the Causes & Prevention of Violence
releases "Walker report" which censures Chicago Police for
behavior during "Police Riot" at Democratic Natl Convention
Dec 2 NY City high school students uprising: Brooklyn +
D 13-16 San Mateo College closed
D 21-27 Apollo 8 with three astronauts circles moon ten times
& takes photo of earth rising behind the moon on Dec 24
Abraham, Martin & John
*RS: Beggar's Banquet
?Beatles: White Album [or was this 69?]
Hey Jude; Lady Madonna
Dylan: John Wesley Harding
*The Band: Music from the Big Pink
*Donovan: From a Flower to a Garden
& Hurdy Gurdy Man
Simon & Garfunkxx: Bridge over Troubled Water
*Doors: Waiting for the Sun
*Hendrix: Axis Bold As Love
& Electric Ladyland
*Fleetwood Mac
*Steve Miller
Dr. John: first solo
*Sly and the Family Stone
Creedence Clearwater Revival
*Blue Cheer ("Heavy Metal")
*Iron Butterfly ("Heavy Metal")
*Velvet Underground: White Light/White Heat ("H M")
*Deep Purple ("Heavy Metal")
*Moody Blues
*Electric Flag
*Blood, Sweat & Tears
*Seatrain (formed from Blues Project)
*Jeff Beck Group (from UK)
*Traffic (from UK)
*Joe Cocker (from UK)
*Bonzo Dog Band (from UK)
*Pentangle (from UK)
*Joni Mitchell (first)
*Leonard Cohen
*Randy Newman
Taj Mahal
?Cream [at UCLA May 68]
Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airma?n
moves from Detroit to SF
(?Roberta Flack)
If . . .
Yellow Submarine
2001 directed by Kubrick
Hair (from April 29)
(Planet of the Apes, Barbarella)
??I Am Curious - Yellow
first Zap Comix
Tom Wolfe: Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Eldrige Cleaver: Soul on Ice
Dr. Paul Ehrlich: The Population Bomb
Akwesasne Notes starts publication
Carlos Castaneda: The Teachings of Don Juan
Aerobics - Dr. Kenneth Cooper
(first use of the term for exercise)
Tiny Tim
Peter Max
"Unisex clothing"
Forty heart transplants
Joan Baez marries David Harris and
David Harris starts 3 year jail sentence
for refusing to register for the draft
Auroville Cooperative, India, founded
Ananda Cooperative Village, Nevada City, California, founded
1969 Peak of China's "Cultural Revolution"
Airplane hijackings reach peak (65 seized in 69)
North Sea oil operations start (U.K.)
Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, Ohio due to pollution
SDS has all-time high of 304 chapters (Geo. Leonard p. 340)
150 community-based underground newspapers (Leonard p. 341)
Charles Evers of Fayette, Miss becomes first black mayor of
an integrated community in the south (doublecheck year)
spring: 150 Navajos meet to oppose Peabody Coal Co strip mining
Jan Panthers John Huggins, 23 & Alprentice (?Bunchy) Carter, 26
shot to death in UCLA lunchroom
Jan 6 SF State reopens after 3 weeks (sic)
Jan 7 Gov. Reagan asks Calif legislature to "drive criminal
anarchists & latter-day Fascists off the campuses"
Jan 8 San Fernando State 1,000 demo & attempt to occupy admin bldg
Jan 8 San Jose: Teachers join strike
Jan 28 Sta Barb oil well blowout (continues into midsummer)
Jan 30 Howard Univ: Med schl frosh boycott anatomy courses
until Feb ouster of dept chairman
Feb Four aquanauts descend 50 feet to a sea lab on the
bottom of Great Lameshur Bay in the Virgin Islands,
to live there 60 days
Feb massive strike U.C. Berkeley for ethnic studies
Feb 5 Reagan declares state of extreme emergency
Feb 11 St. George Williams College, Montreal: 200 students smash
computer with axes & set computer center on fire during
sit-in protesting prof's racism
Feb 12 Howard Univ: law school protest
Feb 13 Univ of Mass: 33 arrested at admin bldg sit-in
F 18-19 Howard Univ: bldg seized & boycott started
Feb 22 Rice Univ: 1,000 students & 200 faculty rally
protesting presidential appointment
F 24-25 Penn State Univ: admin bldg occupied
Feb 27 U.C. Berkeley: police charge student picket lines,
club and arrest two Chicano leaders
Feb 27 U of Wisconsin (Madison): thousands rampage thru nine
buildings over black enrollments
Feb 27 University of Chicago: march
Mar Chicago Eight indicted
Mar 12 Paul McCartney marries Linda Eastman
Mar 13 George Harrison's house raided
69 Mar ?13 Secret bombings of Cambodia start:
3,650 B-52s drop four times the tonnage of bombs
dropped on Japan in all of World War II
Mar 20 John & Yoko fly to Gibraltar & get married
then fly to Amsterdam for one week "lie-in" for peace
Mar 24 Lennox Raphael's play Che is busted for obscenity
two days after opening at the Free Store Theatre in Manhattan
69 Apr Dylan: Nashville Skyline
Apr Beatles "Get Back" single released
Apr start creating People's Park on land near the U.C.
campus, vacant for a year or two since houses bulldozed
when? ASUC election: in large turnout, UC students vote to
keep the land as a park
Apr 3 Fed Reserve Bd raises prime rate from 5 1/2 to 6%
(highest in 40 years)
Apr 4 Smothers Brothers tv show canceled `controversial'
also Bill Cosby tv show canceled around this time
Rowan & Martin 's Laugh-in starts around this time
Apr 4-6 Demonstations on the anniversary of MLK's death & anti-war:
Chicago; Memphis (10,000 gather to pay tribute);
NY (20,000+ up Fifth Ave, some with "33,000" armbands-explain)
(Is this the Bryant Park demo?)
Apr 9 Harvard: 300 led by SDS seize Univ Hall
Apr 10 Harvard: Police called in; 37 injured, 200 arrested
Apr 11 Harvard: start of 3 day student strike
Apr 18 Harvard votes to make ?ROTC "extracurricular"
Apr 22 Harvard faculty votes to create black studies program &
give students vote in selection of its faculty
Apr 22 City College of NY closed after black & Puerto Rican students
lock selves inside asking higher minority enrollment
69 Apr 24 B-52 launch biggest attack on N? Vietnam
demos NY (Sixth Ave), Atlanta, Chicago, Calif - 40 cities
Demos and strike at Cornell
Apr 30 543,000 US soldiers in Vietnam
May when? Fifteen people enter Chicago central draft depository
and destroy all records of twelve local draft boards
and some files of eight others
May when? John and Yoko: Montreal bed-in week
and record "Give Peace a Chance"
May 7 Lou Gottlieb deeds Morning Star Ranch to God
May 13 Nixon sends draft reform plan to Congress
May 14 Sup Ct Justice Abe Fortas resigns under fire for
personal conduct (first in history)
May 14 Night: police build fence around People's Park
May 15 People's Park: James Rector (25) killed
Reagan: "If it's a blood bath, then let it be now."
orders gassing of U.C. campus
60 wounded,
including Alan Blanchard blinded for life, Steve Carr
-> 17 days of street fighting, ending in march by 30,000
150 demonstrators shot & wounded
May 19 Sup Ct overturns Leary conviction for crossing Mex to
Texas w mj - overturns 2 fed anti-mj laws
May 20 134 day class boycott of San Francisco State settled
May 21? Police in helicopters drop teargas on U.C. Berk campus rally
May 22 Colombia: 100 (SDS) students flee 2 bldgs after warrants
(asking no military recruitment on campus,
end to ROTC, black studies program)
+ Queens (NYC) & Cornell
when? "Canadian govt allows Am mil deserters to settle in Canada"
May 30 (Mem Day) 20,000 people in People's Park - with permit
flowers on the fences
May Apollo 8 photo of earthrise over the moon published
as US postage stamp & circulated widely,
as Buckminster Fuller uses the term "spaceship earth"
June Berkeley Ecology Center (first in U.S.) opens
June Progressive Labor Party takes over SDS, Weathermen born
69 June 8 Nixon announces withdrawal of 25,000 troops from Viet
(of 540,000) by Aug 31
June Prime? rate 7 1/2 to 8 1/2% (third hike in 69)
June Commencement protests anti-Viet
+ (Brandeis, Yale, Wesleyan +++)
Brown University: two-thirds of graduating class turn
their backs on Henry Kissinger's address
June 28 Police raid of Christopher Street, NY bar
sets off Stonewall Riots --> start of gay lib mvmt
recheck 1969-70
1969 July?1? First Draft Lottery could this be? see 11/69
July 3 Brian Jones of Rolling Stones dies
July 7 Charles Ever sworn in as first black mayor of biracial
town in Mississippi since Reconstruction (Fayette)
July 9 Canada language bill signed, giving right to use
either French or English
July 11 Spock & Ferber's 68 conviction overturned by First
Circuit Court of Appeals, Boston & Coffin & Goodman
cases sent back for retrial
July 14 park activists storm People's Park
July 18 Sen. Ted Kennedy's accident at Chappaquiddick
(Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, killed)
Life: The Youth Communes
July 20 Apollo 11: Armstrong & Aldrin first walk on the moon
& earthrise from the moon photo taken
when? Cleaver (still) in Algeria & Carmichael in Guinea
69 summer Gaskin's travels -> The Farm founded, Summertown, Tenn.
summer & fall: In the wake of the success of Easy Rider, Hollywood
briefly opens up to new, young, low-budget filmmakers
July 31 People's Park paved over (huh?)
Aug Blind Faith forms, with Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker from
Cream and Steve Winwood from Traffic
Aug Sonoma County sends bulldozers onto Morning Star
Ranch to remove structures
Aug 9 Sharon Tate & LaBiancas found murdered
Aug 17 wkend Woodstock: 300,000
Richie Havens, Jef Air, Dead, CSN&Y, Creed C Rev,
Who, the Band, Joplin, Hendrix
Aug 20 Oakland: Bobby Seale, Natl Chair BPParty, arrested for
New Haven murder of former Panther Alex Rachey
(suspected black informer) (charges eventually dropped)
Aug last Sat & Sun Isle of Wight Festival: 200,000
including Dylan with The Band [I've seen this as 70 too]
69 Sept 3 Ho Chi Minh dies
69 Sept 13 Toronto: Lennon & "Plastic Ono Band"
Sept 15 David Brower announces founding of Friends of the Earth
Sept 24 Trial of Chicago Eight starts
(David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Thomas Hayden,
Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin,
John Froines, Lee Weiner, Bobby Seale)
Sept 28 W Germany: first (postwar) Socialists take power (Willy Brandt &
Social Democrats in coalition with Free Democrats)
Oct early: Beatles: Abbey Road
Dylan bootleg: Great White Wonder
oct 6 Weathermen blow up statue commemorating police victims
of Haymarket bombings
Oct 8 Weathermen/Weather Underground violent "Days of Rage"
demos, Chicago - 3 shot, 300 arrested
Oct 9 2,500 Natl Guard called in -> Oct ll
Oct 12? Gitlin says Manson arrested and charged
69 Oct 15 Viet Moratorium ** [Peace Day] thruout US
(organized by Sam Brown & David Mixner)
100,000 Boston Common / 40,000 Bryant Park, Manhattan /
30,000 candlelight march past White House, led by MLK (Life)
Wash D.C.: names of 45,000 Amers killed in Viet carried
12,000 Chicago
& Pres of 79 colleges appeal to Nixon to step up withdrawal timetable
(black armbands worn all over the U.S.)
[10 million involved throughout the U.S.]
John Lennon returns MBE to protest UK's involvement in
the Nigerian war & its support of US in Vietnam
Oct 21 Jack Kerouac dies
McCartney dead? rumor starts
O 29-31 Chicago Eight Trial: Judge Hoffman orders Bobby Seale
bound & gagged (after refused permission to act
as or have his own defense counsel)
Oct 30 Supreme Court orders immediate desegregation thru out U.S.
Oct 31 Wheeler's Ranch invaded by 25-man army of policemen,
narcotics agents, juvenile officers, FBI agents, etc.
without search warrant; when one of female residents
arrested, Bill Wheeler objected, and was attacked;
Bill Wheeler and four others arrested for assault;
all later found not guilty
Nov 3 Nixon announces "Vietnamization" program to shift
Vietnam fighting from U.S. troops to U.S.-trained local troops
Nov 4 Chicago Eight Trial becomes Chicago Seven Trial:
Seale cited by Judge Hoffman for contempt & given 4 years
in jail; retrial ordered on Seale's case
Nov Attempt to introduce the maxi (coat) starts
Nov eight bombings in Manhattan
Nov 9 78 Native Americans land on & occupy Alcatraz Island
in San Francisco Bay, site of an abandoned military base
Nov 13 Second National Moratorium
N 13-15 Weathermen led by Rubin & Hoffman march on Justice Dept.
69 Nov 14 Crosby-Stills Nash & Yg concert
+ Joy of Cooking (Winterland) before
Nov 15 Mobilization: Wash DC march
250,000 (-750,000 Gitlin) Capitol to Penn Ave to Wash mon
Speakers: McCarthy, Sen. George McGovern, Sen. Charles
Goodell, Coretta King, Dick Gregory, Leonard Bernstein;
Singers: Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul, & Mary,
John Denver, Mitch Miller, touring cast of Hair
Nov 19 Congress passes random selection of draftees thru lottery
& permits first calling of 19 yr olds & expired college
deferments & allows call-up by birthday
(+ second lottery by first letter of last name within
each date group + third for within letters)
Nov 21 Senate turns down first Sup Ct nominee (Nixon's) since 1930
Nov 24 Apollo 12: second landing on moon
Nov 30 U.S. Army Lieutenant William Calley charged with
covering up the massacre of 567 civilians by his troops
at Mylai, Vietnam in March 1968
Nov 30 600 Native Americans occupying Alcatraz
Dec 1 First Draft Lottery
Dec 4 Panthers Fred Hampton (21) & Mark Clark (22) shot and
killed in their beds by Chicago police during raid
making at least 19 Panther leaders (they claim 28)
killed in 18 months (+ Huey Newton currently in prison)
Dec 24 Manson `Family' indictments
Rolling Stones free concert at end of tour,
Altamont racetrack, Ca: 300,000 attend
Meredith Hunter (18) killed
1969 by end, over 100,000 Americans have died in Vietnam
65,000 troops brought home to U.S.
*Beatles: Abbey Road
*Lennon & Plastic Ono Band: Give Peace a Chance
*Lennon & Ono: Two Virgins
*Harrison: Wonderwall
*RS: Let It Bleed
*Rod Stewart
*Dylan: Nashville Skyline
Great White Wonder (first Dylan bootleg)
*Baez: David's Album (late 69)
*Joni Mitchell: Clouds
*Mother Earth
*Dan Hicks
*Janis Joplin: Kozmic w Bobby McGee?
Jim Croce
*Neil Young (from Buffalo Springfield) first solo
Jethro Tull
*Captain Beefheard: Trout Mask Replica
*Led Zeppelin
*MC5 ("Heavy Metal")
*Black Pearl ("Heavy Metal")
*Grand Funk Railroad ("Heavy Metal")
*King Crimson
*Miles Davis
(*Desmond Decker: The Israelites - pre-Reggae)
? Jim Kweskin's Jug Band (with Maria Muldaur)
Fellini: Satyricon
Midnight Cowboy; Alice's Restaurant;
Monterey Pop; Easy Rider*;
Putney Swope*; Medium Cool*;
Last Summer*; Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice;
Goodbye, Columbus;
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?; Oh! What a Lovely War;
The Who pop opera film;
Wild Bunch [recheck - have this earlier]; Butch Cassidy;
Startrek taken off tv after 3 yr run
Vonnegot: Slaughterhouse-Five
French Lieutenant's Woman - John Fowles
Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Sex
But Were Afraid to Ask - David Reuben (more 70?)
Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth
The Strawberry Statement-James Simon Kunen
I'm OK - You're OK - Thomas Harris (Eric Berne's
transactional analysis)
The Peter Principle - Dr. Laurence J. Peter & Raymond Hull
Charles Bukowski: Notes of a Dirty Old Man
Theodore Roszak: The Making of a Counterculture
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: On Death and Dying
Buckminster Fuller: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive - John Muir
Custer Died for Your Sins - Vine Deloria, Jr.
Arcology: The City in the Image of Man - Paolo Soleri
maxi coats (floor length)
first? unixsex haircutting salon
1970 Common Cause founded
Jim Hightower founds Agribusiness Accountability Project,
Nader-type group to investigate conglomerate influence over
U.S. food supply
Celestial Seasonings founded, Boulder, Colorado
when? Dem. Party Commission (Sen. Geo McGovern, chair) begins reform
174 bombings on college campuses between fall 69 and spring 70
400,000 Americans soldiers in Vietnam, sez EWJ
when? Gdansk shipyard strike (Poland)
Jan Radical Chic parties by Bernsteins
to raise funds for Panthers
The Last Days of Biafra
Jan 1 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) signed by Nixon
(?creates EPA+)
Jan 2 Supreme Court rules unconstitutional General Lewis
Hershey's 1967 directive that local draft boards reclassify
to 1-A (eligible for active duty) anti-draft demonstrators
Jan 5 Mississippi integrates first three districts of its
public schools
Jan 6 Supreme Court upholds prohibition of underground GI
anti-war newspaper at Fort Bragg
Jan 13 Three black prisoners killed by guard at Soledad Prison
during melee
Jan 16 Guard killed at Soledad Prison;
Soledad Brothers (including George Jackson) accused
Feb Leary sentenced to 10 years for Texas/Mex mj bust
Feb 4 "riot in Isla Vista protesting Chicago verdicts,
ended in B of A bombing" (sez Gitlin)
Feb 9 NY: Underground `Rat' publishes Robin Morgan's
"Goodbye to All That" feminist statement
Feb 16 Demo for "The Chicago Seven" - City Hall Park & Foley Sq (NYC?)
Feb 19 Chicago Seven Trial: Dellinger, Davis,
Hayden, Hoffman, & Rubin found guilty of
crossing state lines to incite riot; Froines &
Weiner acquitted; attorneys William Kunstler & Leonard
Weinglass sentenced for contempt of court; all appealed
Feb 20 - sentenced
Feb 19-28 in prison on Judge Hoffman's contempt charges
"half a million people in the streets"
(Oil spill Tampa Bay near St. Petersburg)
Explosions in 3 office buildings in NY;
Explosions in Calif; Wash; Maryland; Mich
Feb 25 Isla Vista, Santa Barbara Bank of America burning
Mar 6 three Weathermen blow themselves up in Greenwich Village
(house of Cathy Wilkerson's father)
(Diana Oughton, Cathlyn Wilkerson, Kathy Boudin)
Cambodia: Prince Sihanouk deposed by conservatives for
allowing Pathet Lao & N. Viet forces to cross the Plain of Jars
Mar Women's Wear Daily decrees skirts are going midi.
For the first time, not everybody listens
Alaska's oil bonanza/rush
While Sihanouk is in Europe, Cambodian government demands
that the North Vietnamese & Viet Cong troops withdraw
Mar 18 Coup in Cambodia
Mar 23 Nixon calls out Natl Guard to alleviate delays caused
by the first widespread postal workers' strike
Mar 31 Oak Induc Center
spring 2500 Berkeley students turn in draft cards, typical
of U.S. (before Cambodian protests even start) (Gitlin)
spring Dennis Hopper in Peru making The Last Movie
(Kristofferson music), meets Joplin
spring Huey Newton released
70 Apr Post office strike starts (huh? - see Mar 23)
Apr Philip & Daniel Berrigan go underground to avoid
serving sentences
Apr 7 Ronald Reagan, Gov. of Calif: "If it takes a
bloodbath, let's get it over with."
Apr 10 McCartney announces dissolution of Beatles
John & Yoko to California for 4 months of Dr.
Arthur Janov's Primal Scream therapy
Apr Apollo 13 (third trip to the moon) - accident
70 Apr 22 Earth Day: millions participate in Wash, NY, +
Apr 23 (ck) Bobby Seale (Chicago?) retrial begins
Apr 30 Nixon sends troops into Cambodia to aid the Lon Nol govt
(until June 30) (30,000 US + 40,000+ So Viet) (announces on tv)
when? "a few months after Feb": U of Wisconsin bldg bombed,
killing researcher
May First week: 30 ROTC bldgs burned or bombed,
Natl Guard on 21 campuses in 16 states
May 1 (Saturday) ROTC bldg ransacked College Park, Wash D.C.
"M 1-2" New Haven: new protests over the pending trial of Seale
& Ericka Hu/iggins -> 20,000 by Sunday
May 2 (Sunday) ROTC bldg burned down at Kent State
May 3 Yale Day: 15,000 protest 9 Black Panthers awaiting
trial in New Haven
70 May 4 Kent State University, Ohio: National Guard fires into crowd
at anti-war demonstration, 4 students killed & 8 wounded
May 4 5,000 demo at College Park, Wash D.C., 450 policemen
unable to disperse, 600 Natl Guard sent in
_____ _____________________________________________________________
M 6-20? The Strike 448 colleges 1 million+ students
"4 million students"
Gitlin: 750+ campuses (of 2500 nationwide), demos at 1200+
(demonstrations against sending troops to Cambodia)
when? ?including? Stanford "worst riots in its history"
(75 campuses stayed closed thru rest of the school year)
----- ------------------------------------------------------------
May 8 (ck) Nixon fire Gen. Lewis Hershey as director of the
Selective Service & agrees to withdraw all U.S. troops
from Cambodia within 30 days
May 9 Mobilization: 100,000+ in Wash D.C. on only 10 days notice (Git)
M 9-11 50-60,000 demonstrators gather in Washington
May 13 Movement for a New Congress - to elect peace
candidates founded at Princeton Univ
70 M 14/15 Jackson State College woman's dorm, Mississippi:
two black students killed, 9/12/12 wounded - no media coverage
May Philip Berrigan captured, sent to Federal Penitentiary
Also H. Rap Brown jumps bail on way to Maryland trial
for inciting riot & arson
Ma/Jun? Alcatraz removals
70 wkbfM22 crashing Stock Market: last 18 months
985 -> 631 "greatest loss since '29"
?June Five Kabouters elected to Amsterdam Municipal Council
including former Provo theorist Roel van Duyn,
who starts off by arriving at meetings on a bicycle
June Dylan: Self-Portrait
June Lou Gottlieb back in court to defend ownership of
Morning Star Ranch by God
June 15 Sup Ct rules any indiv may object to military service
on ethical & moral grounds, if such convictions
"are deeply felt",
giving more responsibility to local draft boards
June 19 Two banks bombed in Berkeley
June !commencement demonstrations/anti-commencements
Dylan accepts honorary degree at Princeton
June 22 Voting age lowered to 18
wk bef J 29 Senate votes 81-10 to repeal Gulf of Tonkin res &
passes the future aid to Lon Nol without congessional approval
June 28 First Gay rights march NYC
70 June 29 Last Amer soldiers in Cambodia withdrawn
1970 July 1 Second(?) draft lottery
July?? Abortions legalized?
summer 28 commissioned military officers, representing
250 others, form Concerned Officers Movement
against the war
summer Chicago Grant Park riot
Aug 5 Huey Newton ruled not guity of voluntary manslaughter
& released (+ trip to China)
Aug 7 Courtroom kidnap in San Rafael:
Jonathan Jackson, 17, h.s. student from Pasadena and
Angela Davis's ex-bodyguard & brother of George
Jackson, one of the Soledad Bros., attempt to spring
James McClain at his hearing,
plus ?Ruchell Magee & Wm Christmas
who are present as inmate witnesses;
McClain & Christmas killed, as well as Judge Harold Halay
Aug 11 Daniel Berrigan recaptured, sent to Fed. Pent.
Aug 29 Powder Ridge, Conn music fest prohibited but 30,000
show up anyway
Aug 29 Selective Service Systems report: prosecutions for
draft evasion have increased ten times over 1965 level
Aug 29 thousands of Chicanos gather at Laguna Park in East L.A.
to protest disproportionate number of deaths of Chicano
soldiers in Vietnam. LAPD attack & one shot, fired into
Silver Dollar Bar, kills Ruben Salazar, LA Times columnist
& commentator on KMEX TV (accused by LAPD of inciting
the Chicano community)
Aug (end) Amsterdam bans sleeping outdoors; confrontations
lead to establishment of Vondel Park
sleeping area (for 3 years)
Sept Selective Service Systems report: 271 "anti-draft
occurrances" since January
Sept 12 Leary escapes prison (San Luis Obispo) with help from
the Weather Underground, joins Cleaver in Algiers
Sept 18 Jimi Hendrix dies at 27
Monterey Folk Festival (Kristofferson)
70 Oct 4 Janis Joplin dies at 27
Oct Jane Fonda starts campus speaking tour
Oct Yoko has miscarriage
Oct 12 Gaskin's caravan leaves SF
Oct 13 Angela Davis, 26, arrested Manhattan
charged with involvement in Aug courtroom kidnap
Still trying to get the midi in
Oct Dylan: New Morning
Oct 26 Bank of America fire, Irvine
Nov 3 Chile: Allende (first Marxist) sworn in
Nov 5 Indians occupy federal land near Davis
Nov 17 Trial of Bobby Seale & Ericka Huggins begins
(ended May 25, 71)
Dec 4 Cesar Chavez jailed for lettuce boycott
(was this the first?)
Dec 15 Bank of America bombing, Santa Barbara
70 Dec McCartney sues to dissolve Beatles
Dec John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band : "the Primal album"
God is a Concept, the dream is over
(Lennon's first solo album)
Dec Hundreds of Vietnam Veterans Against the War testify at
"Winter Soldier" investigations in Detroit
about Vietnam atrocities
Senate votes to halt funds for SST development
Dec Geronimo Pratt, Black Panther's Defense Minister,
charged with murder & starts 17 years in prison
Dec Nixon signs Natl Air Quality Control Act, requiring
90% reduction in car-exhaust pollution by 75
1966-70 Military desertion rate 300%
1967-70 Conscientious objectors 20,000 -> 40,000
1971 80,000 draft resistors have fled to Canada
1970 another 140,000 troops brought home to U.S.
(Stock market at a low, starts recovery)
Hot Tuna out
Ry Cooder
CSN&Y: Deja vu
*Joni Mitchell: Ladies of the Canyon
*Dylan: New Morning
?Lennon: A Working Class Hero (what album was this)
*Eric Clapton
*Hendrix: Band of Gypsys
*RS: Get Yer Ya Ya's Out
*Harrison: All Things Must Pass
*Beatles: Let It Be
*Black Sabbath ("Heavy Metal")
Judy Collins: Whales & Nightingales
*Linda Ronstadt
*James Taylor
Rita Coolidge
*CSN & Y: Deja Vu
*Stephen Stills first solo
*Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water
*John McLaughlin
*Allman Brothers Band
Johnny Winter
*Elton John (from UK)
*Jimmy Cliff: first
*John Renbourn: first solo
*Cat Stevens
Eric Clapton's first solo (Easy Now)
Harrison: All Things Must Pass
Delanie & Bonnie & Friends: Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour
(with Rita Coolidge along)
TV: Dick Cavett show starts
Bergman: The Passion of Anna
Fellini: The Clowns
Bertolucci: The Conformist
Five Easy Pieces
They Shoot Horses, Don't They (I have this as 69 too)
M*A*S*H (war humor) (the movie)
(was this when the tv show started?)
Catch 22 the film
Women In Love (" ")
Hair all over the world
Woodstock the film
Little Big Man
Virgin & the Gypsy
(Love Story)
Living on The Earth - Alicia Bay Laurel
The Tassajara Bread Book
Our Bodies Ourselves
Painless Childbirth - Fernand Lamaze (translated from
the French edition published around 1956)
Domebook One - Lloyd Kahn & Bob Easton
The Greening of America - Charles Reich
Tom Wolf: Radical Chic
Scott & Helen Nearing's Living the Good Life republished
& sells 170,000 copies
Jerry Rubin: Do It!
More than 50 underground anti-war military newspapers
being published
Sexual Politics - Kate Millett
Alvin Toffler: Future Shock
I and Thou - Martin Buber
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind - Suzuki Roshi
Deschooling Society - Ivan Illich
Vitamin C and the Common Cold - Linus Pauling
Arthur Janov: The Primal Scream
What Color is Your Parachute? - Richard Bolles
Up the Organization - Robert Townsend
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
Erik Van Daniken [.. over a] - Chariots of the Gods
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 100 Years of Solitude
(orig? translation?)
Paulo Soleri starts building Arcosanti
Swami Muktananda introduced to US (by Ram Dass)
- Siddha meditation
1971 when? Oregon becomes first state to pass a bottle deposit
and return bill
when? D.Q. University established
Supersonic transport (SST) project canceled
National debate over fate of elms in central Stockholm
square (Kungstradgarden)
Jan Two Standard Oil tankers collision & spill, SF
five days later, Esso tanker spill, Long Island Sound
Jan Senator George McGovern opens campaign for Pres
Jan 7 DDT use outlawed by U.S. Court of Appeals
Jan 12 Rev. Philip F. Berrigan (47) (serving 6 yr term in Fed prison
Danbury, Conn. on charges of destroying draft records)
+ 5 others indicted on charges of conspiring to kidnap Kissinger
& plotting to blow up the heating terminals of Fed bldgs
(Rev. Joseph R. Wenderoth, 35; Rev. Neil R. McLaughlin, 30;
Anthony Scoblick, 30 - former priest; Eqbal Ahmad, 40
- fellow of Adlai Stev Inst of Public Affairs; Sister
Elizabeth McAllister, 31 - of Marymount Col, Tarrytown, NY
Jan 25 Charles Manson(36), Susan Atkins (22), Patricia Krenwinkel (23),
Leslie Van Houten (21) found guilty/convicted
71 Feb oil prices raised by OPEC for the first time
16,000 South Vietnamese troops march into Laos
with massive U.S. air support - "hundreds of thousands
protest in Wash & SF"
Senate hearings start on army spying on private citizens
Mar 1 Bomb explodes in Capitol men's room; Weather Underground
claims responsibility "in retaliation for the Laos decision"
Mar 8 Supreme Court rules that objection to a particular war
is not sufficient grounds for conscientious objection
(Guy Gillette & Louis Negal? cases)
Mar 11 Puerto Rico: uprising Univ of Puerto Rico
Mar 23 Congress votes to lower voting age to 18
Mar 29 Calley convicted
Mar 29 Manson + 3 sentenced (to death) (after 9 1/2 month
trial - longest in Calif history)
spring Abbie Hoffman releases Steal This Book
?? spring Werner Ehrhard (sp?) holds first EST training (yes-1971)
Homosexuals march in NY (see Life Dec 71)
A 19-23 1000+ Veterans demonstrate against Viet war in Wash
D.C., throwing their medals over the Capitol fence
Apr 24 200,000 Veterans march - Wash D.C.
+ SF simultaneous march of 156,000
Apr Retreat from Laos what's the date?
Apr First China visit by US journalists since xx
& U.S. table tennis team is invited to China
Repub. Congressman Paul McCloskey talking of running
against Nixon on anti-Viet war platform
71 Apr 26- 50,000 demonstrators (Vets?) in Washington D.C. set up
"Algonquin Peace City" (in West Potomac Park),
May 1 attempt to blockade govt for a day;
5,000 District police, 1,500 Natl Gd & 8,000 fed troops
start evacuating: 7,000 arrested
[another source: "20,000 Natl Gd & police, 10,000 paratroopers"]
M 3-5 1,200 arrested - final total 12,614 (record)
May Amtrak starts operations (182 trains to service 300 cities)
May England's former prime minister Harold Wilson says LBJ
could have ended the Viet war in Feb 67
May 4 Dollar crisis starts in Europe, as five currencies are
freed from parity with US dollar
May Bobby Seale released after charges of ordering murder
of Black Panther Alex Rackley in New Haven dropped,
out on bail on 4 year Chicago trial contempt charges
May 13 "13 Black Panthers acquitted" (is this the same?)
May 15 Second anniversary of People's Park demo, "instigated"
by Daily Cal, leads to Daily Cal moving off U.C. Berkeley campus
May 25 Bobby Seale & Ericka Huggins case dismissed (same as second?)
May Philip & Daniel Berrigan indicted for "conspiracy to
kidnap" a high govt official ie. the Pres.
71 May Gaskin's caravan arrives in Tennessee
May The Last Whole Earth Catalog
May French left joins Larzac farmers in protest against
French government's planned expansion of military base
May Life: Rosie Grier does needlework
May Airlines start super cheap flights to Europe
1971 June Demise of Whole Earth Catalog party
June 10 Mexico student uprisings
June 11 Alcatraz Indians ousted
J 13-15 Pentagon Papers, secret Pentagon history of the
Vietnam war, copied by Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo,
appears in the New York Times
June American vets start admitting to US atrocities in Viet
US starts dismantling biological arsenal huh?
June Nixon announces he will visit China
summer Danish rock fest, Amsterdam scene
summer French secretly explode hydrogen bomb in the South Pacific
July 3 Jim Morrison, 27, dies in Paris
Aug 1 Concert for Bangla Desh: Harrison, Clapton, Leon Russell,
Ringo + Dylan, Ravi Shankar (Madison Square Garden)
71? Aug Pir Vilayat sufi retreat at Chamonix, France (?first?)
Aug 6 Huey Newton's second manslaughter trial ends in mistrial
Aug Marijuana bust on The Farm - Gasking takes responsibility
Aug Camden 28 raid draft board in Camden, New Jersey
Aug 13 John Lennon & Yoko Ono check in to St. Regis Hotel, NY
Aug 15 Nixon declares 90-day wage/price freeze
& takes US off the gold standard
Aug 18 Shootout Jackson, Miss: hdqs of Republic of North Africa
Aug 21 George Jackson (29) killed during San Quentin escape
attempt, while about to face another trial
on charges of murdering a white guard
Aug 31 Stephen Bingham, 29, lawyer to Jackson, charged with
smuggling weapons into prison
fall when? Life: high school kids concerned about security
& order (Sara Davidson)
71 Sept Attica Federal Prison: 5 day revolt ends with 1000
state & local police & prison guards storming
the prison, 41 prisoners? dead
Sept 16 Japan: 5,000 farmers & students battle 5,000 police in demo
to prevent govt taking of land for Tokyo Intl Airport at Narita
Oct Last LOOK Mag
Oct Follow-up to 68 Kerner Commission report says if present trends
continue in inner-city racial problems, "most cities by 1980
will be preponderantly black & brown, & totally bankrupt"
Oct Huey Newton returns to US to begin a new trial
Oct 16 E Cleaver press conference in Algiers to announce his
return to U.S. (sez Ringolevio)
71 Oct 16 H. Rap Brown, Pres SNCC captured after black bar hold-up, NY
(with 3 St. Louis black men including Richard Moore &
Eddie Josephs) after 17 mos fugitive (since May 70)
Oct drive to enroll 25 million new voters is getting 5 new
Democrats to 2 new Repubs, influencing local
elections; college towns get uptight
Oct 29 Duane Allman killed riding motorcycle
Nov 2 18 to 20 year olds vote first time
(but which election would this be???)
Nov 5 UN votes to seat (Red) China (also seen as Oct 25)
Ed Muskie, Dem. running for Pres.
Nov 13 Mariner 9 in orbit around Mars
Nov Larzac, Fr: 6,000 march to protest expansion of NATO base
Nov US pulling out of Vietnam
(Nov. 11: 188,300 US soldiers left)
under Nixon's "Vietnamization" withdrawal program
Dec 2 Dollar dives in reaction to reports that Nixon is
considering devaluation (326.76 yen; 3.289 Deutsche marks)
Dec 3 War breaks out in Bangladesh
Dec 11 Third retrial of Huey Newton ends in mistrial
Dec 14 Detective Frank Serpico tells Knapp Commission
of widespread police corruption in NY
D 17-18 Dollar devalued 8.57%
Dec 26 15 Viet Vets sit-in inside Statue of Liberty to protest bombing
Dec 28 80+ Viet Vets arrested Lincoln Memorial, trying to
block entrance with a human chain
Greenpeace formed, Vancouver, Canada
Use of DES discontinued after 7 cases of a rare cancer
found among women at one Boston hospital
(20,000 -> 100,000 women a year were prescribed DES for
prevention of miscarriage between 1960 and 1970)
RS: Sticky Fingers
Hendrix: Cry of Love & Rainbow Bridge
John Lennon: Imagine
*Joni Mitchell: Blue
*Carole King ?Tapestry?
*Carly Simon
*Cat Stevens
*Elmerson, Lake & Palmer
*Herbie Hancock
*Weather Report
*Tyrannosaurus Rex
*Earth, Wind & Fire ("Funk")
Led Zeppelin "more popular than Beatles": Stairway to Heaven
(*Bob Marley & the Wailers: first)
Alice Cooper group
TV: All In The Family (starts Jan. 12)
A Clockwork Orange directed by Kubrick
The Last Picture Show
Carnal Knowledge (Mike Nichols)
Harold & Maude
Murmur of the Heart (Louis Malle)
Gimme Shelter (Altamont movie)
Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg)
?King of Hearts re-release (is this when?)
El Topo (Alexandro Jodorowsky)
Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera "worldwide success"
(The Exorcist)
Michael Harrington: The Other America
focuses awareness on continuing US poverty
Germaine Greer: The Female Eunuch (US publication)
Diet for a Small Planet - Frances Moore Lappe
Buckminster Fuller: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
(I have this as 69)
Carlos Castaneda: A Separate Reality
Be Here Now: Baba Ram Dass, Lama Foundation
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: Dee Brown (sez EWJ)
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Joseph Chilton Pearce
The Massage Book - George Downing
Another Roadside Attraction
Love Story
East West Journal, Brookline, Massachusetts
Vitamin C
Hot Pants, men's shoes with heels
?Day-care centers
Christiania free city founded in Copenhagen
Helen Caldicott begins (successful) campaign to stop nuclear
atmospheric testing in France
Gray Panthers founded
1972 Federal Coastal Zone Management Act passed
Airlines required to screen passengers & their
luggage to prevent hijackings
Over 300,000 black Mississippians, 59% of eligible,
registered to vote
Terrorist attack at Munich Olympics
1955 prize-winning public housing in St. Louis, Pruitt-Igoe,
blown up due to delapidation and 65% unoccupency
American Indian Movement (AIM) founded (sez EWJ -
maybe only became known to greater public, see earlier)
Erewhon natural foods opens retail and wholesale
operations on West Coast
Venturi & Brown: Learning from Las Vegas
marks displacement of modern architectural movement
by post-modernism
Jan 10 2 black protestors in Baton Rouge killed in shootout with
police during demo + 8 wounded (+ 2 white deputies killed)
Jan 17 New Jersey Supreme Court ends death penalty
Jan 25 Shirley Chisholm (Representative from Brooklyn, NY)
becomes first black female to seek major party's
Presidential nomination
Feb 18 California Supreme Court ends death penalty
Feb Life: "Today's high school generation is interested in
security, stability, & comfort."
72 F 21-28 Nixon visits China
Feb 23 Angela Davis is released (after 16 months)
Feb 24 Daniel Berrigan released after 18 months of 3-year term
(for Catonsville 9 xxx); goes to Harrisburg where
brother Phil is on trial
Feb 28- Angela Davis trial starts, San Jose
Mar Rodger McAfee, 33, dairy-farmer in Caruthers, Calif.,
uses farm as collatoral to pay Angela Davis's bail
Mar Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passes Congress
(by yr end, only 22 states have ratified)
Mar? Raymond Yellow Thunder, Sioux, killed, Nebraska
Mar 22 13-member National Commission on Marijuana & Drug Abuse
recommends legalization of marijuana
Mar 27 Soledad Brothers acquitted
Mar 30 North Vietnamese troops go south through the DMZ into
So Vietnam
Apr? Mar y Sol rock fest Puerto Rico 30,000
Apr Demonstrators in Harrisburg, Pa. support Phil Berrigan
and six co-defendents;
Apr 5 Harrisburg 7 trial ends in mistrial after 11 weeks
(this was for plotting to kidnap Kissinger & blow up
heating xxx );
only P. B. & Sister Elizabeth McAllister declared guilty,
and only of smuggling letters in & out of prison
Apr 15 Nixon & Canada P.M. Pierre Trudeau sign pact to clean
up Great Lakes
Apr Heavy US bombing of North Vietnamese entering So Viet
A 15-28 New wave of antiwar protests on campuses & near military &
defense-industry installations - 100s of arrests across U.S.
May? First? Mother Earth News (recheck & add to lista)
May 1 Quang Tri captured by North Vietnam
May 2 J. Edgar Hoover dies (after 48 yrs as only Director of FBI)
May Nixon talks in Moscow, signs landmark nuclear arms pact
May 8 bombing of Hanoi & Haiphong (Harbor?)
May Univ of Michigan protest against ROTC
and protests on dozens of US campuses against
the renewed bombing of N Viet i.e. Colombia
May 11 District/Fed Appeals Court overturns Chicago Seven
(& 2 attorneys)'s contempt sentences
& orders trials on Hoffman's citations
May 15 George Wallace shot, Wash D.C. & paralyzed,
drops out of presidential race
May 18 Phil Berrigan back to jail (Danbury) to complete 6 year
term for destruction of draft records in Baltimore
& Catonsville, Md.
May when? Retreat in Vietnam
Davis: protestors block train carrying military supplies
May 21 Catholic Lithuanian youth immolates self
-> week of uprisings vs Soviet troops
June 4 Angela Davis acquitted (13 week trial)
June 14 EPA bans DDT
1972 June 17 Five men caught breaking into the Watergate Hotel
Democratic campaign headquarters:
director of security for CREEP + 4 others
?with electronic eavesdrop equipment
June 23 Life: photos of S. Viet children running from napalm
June Expo '72 evangelist week-long rally in Texas 80,000
Jl 1-4 First Rainbow Gathering, Strawberry Lake, Colorado
Aug Nixon says investigation by White House counsel John Dean
revealed no administration officials involved in
Watergate break-in
Aug Democratic convention held in Miami due to threat
of demonstrations in San Diego
Aug 11 Last U.S. military unit in Vietnam withdrawn
Aug 12 B-52s heaviest bombing of N Viet
Sept 5 Arabs kill Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics
Oct Nixon & Gromyko sign arms limitation treaty
Oct Kissinger: "Peace is at hand" in Vietnam
US negotiating a settlement that would withdraw
Amer troops but leave revolutionary troops, until
set-up of a newly-elected government; Saigon
government refuses to agree
Oct 18 Congress passes the Clean Water Act over Nixon's veto
Nov 2 500 AmerInds sit-in at BIA hdqs, Wash
(Trail of Broken Treaties)
month? California voters adopt coastal protection
Nov 7 Mob figure Meyer Lansky, 71, arrested Miami
Nov 7 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reverses convictions of
last 5 of Chicago Seven
72 Nov Nixon defeats McGovern (re-election)
(Also ran: Wallace, Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Edmund Muskie,
John Lindsay, Shirley Chisholm) [third "People's Party"]
18-20 year olds first presidential vote
(Nov 14 Stock Market: Dow Jones tops 1,000 first time)
Nov 16 Two black students killed by buckshot Baton Rouge, La
Southern Univ as police clearing demos from admin bldg
(Note: see Jan 10, 72)
Nov 29 Phil Berrigan parolled
Dec Nixon makes last attempt to get North Vietnam to submit:
18 days of "carpet" bombing of homes, hospitals,
and civilians of Hanoi & Haiphong through Christmas;
first B-52 pilots refuse to fly missions
Dec 29 last Life Magazine after 36 years)
(when did People Mag start?)
Dec 30 Nixon orders end to bombing
RS: Exile on Main St and summer tour
Eric Clapton with Derek & the Dominoes
McCartney touring with Wings
*David Bowie: Ziggy Stardust
Glitter Rock - New York
*Lou Reed (from Velvet Underground): first solo
*Blue Oyster Cult (Heavy Metal)
*Uriah Heep (Heavy Metal)
*Alice Cooper (Heavy Metal)
Rare Earth?
*Leon Russell: first solo
*Chick Corea with Return to Forever
*Fairport Convention (from UK)
*Joni Mitchell: For the Roses
*Bonnie Raitt
*Steely Dan
*Jackson Browne
Curtis Mayfield
Don McLean: American Pie
Bette Midler
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band with country music stars:
Will the Circle Be Unbroken
The Godfather (Coppola)
(first time regular movie prices are raised to over 4 dollars)
Last Tango in Paris (Bertolucci)
Play It Again, Sam & Everything ... Sex - Woody Allen
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jodorowsky working on The Holy Mountain
Grease "50s revival"
Fritz the Cat
Deep Throat (seized Aug 18, ruled obscene Mar 73)
Ms. Magazine starts (actually Dec. 71)
I.F. Stone stops publishing The Weekly
The Vegetarian Epicure (I) -
The Joy of Sex - Alex Comfort
The Massage Book - George Downing (I have this as 71)
The Alexander Technique - Wilfred Barlow
Carlos Castaneda: Journey to Ixtlan
Mandala - Jose & Miriam Arguelles
Ringolevio - Emmett Grogan
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
(I have this as 70) (saw again as 72)
Watership Down - Richard Adams
The Foxfire Book published, a compilation of reprints
from quarterly Foxfire magazine, a teenage
staff's reports on dying folk customs and arts
of the Georgia Appalachians
Joan Baez takes a year off to volunteer for Amnesty Intl
Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess introduces
the idea of deep ecology
"szechwan food"
"below the knee hemlines"
"use of Ms"
Mark Spitz (Munich Olympics) & that Russian gymnast?
Burt Reynolds "first" nude male portrait in Cosmopolitan
1973 Watergate investigation continues
"Baby Bust" (birth rate drop)
First time more woman than men in college (50.3%)
Mississippi leads the south with 145 elected black
officeholder (tho only 1 black legislative representative)
when? Endangered Species Act
Arab-Israeli war followed by Arab oil embargo & energy crunch,
gas lines, & the go ahead to drill for oil in Alaska
Alaska Pipeline built 73-75
Hoedads of Oregon formed
Chipko movement starts in Himalayas
Last year of draft (ended June 30), army becomes volunteer
?Maharaj Ji event at Houston Astrodome
Pig By The Tail, first American charcuterie, opens in
Berkeley -> California Cuisine movement
when? Hayden marries Fonda
when? Alan Watts dies
Rod Hackney, young architect writing PhD at Manchester
University, who had organized neighbors in Macclesfield to
oppose area's demolition, gets improvement grants
from town council for 34 of houses - in 1975 wins Good
Design in Housing Award from U.K. Dept of the Environment
Jan 100,000 demonstrate at Nixon's inaugural
Jan 7 Sniper shoots 6 from atop Johnson's Motor Lodge, New Orleans
Jan 11 Nixon ends 17 month wage-price controls
Jan 22 Supreme Court: Roe vs. Wade strikes down
existing state anti-abortion laws
Jan 22 LBJ dies in Texas
Jan 23 Nixon announces all American troops to be out of
Vietnam in 60 days
73 Jan 27 Vietnam ceasefire agreement with US (Paris)
(the same agreement as was drafted the previous October)
(23,000 American troops still left in Vietnam)
and announcement of? draft end
3 million Americans are enlisted in the military
55,000 have died in the Vietnam war
Great Exp: 58,000 dead / 153,000 wounded
/ 35,000 widows & orphans created
275,000 Americans experience a death in their family
1.4 million saw someone in their family wounded
6.5 million served in armed forces, 1 mill+ saw combat
Jan 30 James W. McCord & G. Gordon Liddy of Nixon's re-election
committee, found guilty of Watergate burglary & wiretap attempt
Feb 12 Second dollar devaluation in 14 months - 10%
Feb 14 Nixon: floating exchange rate
early Stock Market starts drop
F 16-22 Student uprisings in Greece
73 Feb 28 250 AmerInds (AIM) occupy Wounded Knee (to May 8)
early Custer, South Dakota AIM courthouse protest
Mr 1-19 Dollar crisis in Europe
Mar 6 Nixon: gas & oil price controls
Mar 23 Judge Sirica reveals letter from McCord saying he & others
were pressured to plead guilty & commit perjury to avoid
implicating others in Watergate
Mar 29 Nixon declares meat price controls to stave off
housewives meat boycott set to start April 1
Mar 29 Last American troops withdrawn from Vietnam
Mar 29 H. Rapp Brown (+ 3 others?) convicted for Oct. 16,71 robbery
73 A 16-17 US bombs Laos
Apr 30 Nixon accepts resignation of H.R. Haldeman & John Ehrlichman
& fires John Dean
May 10 John Mitchell & Maurice Stans, former Nixon Cabinet members,
& financier Robert Vesco indicated for Vesco's illegal
200,000 dollar contribution to Nixon campaign
May 11 Daniel Ellsberg charges dropped
May 15 Bobby Seale's campaign for Oakland mayor ends in defeat
May 20 17 of Camden 28 found not guilty (of destroying draft files)
May 29 Tom? Bradley elected in Los Angeles (first black mayor)
1973 Jn 25-29 John Dean testifies in front of Senate Select
Committee, indicting himself, Nixon, Ehrlichman,
Mitchell & others, & revealing the use of "hush money"
and an "enemies list"
Jn 13 Nixon declares 60 day retail price freeze
July 16 Nixon's secret recording system is exposed
July 26 Nixon defies prosecutors' subpoenas of his tapes &
appeals his case until October 19
Aug 15 US bombing of Cambodia ends
Aug 31 Gainsville 8 (veterans) acquitted
Apr- Sept: ROTC unable to meet quota of officers
for six months in a row
Sept Chile coup overthrows Salvador Allende
Sept 11 Allende killed
Sept Jim Croce dies
Sept Lennon to LA with May Pang & Spector sessions
Oct Oil talks fail & various OPEC countries cut off
oil deliveries to other countries, including U.S.,
causing shortages (to March 74)
Oct retrial of Chicago 7 on contempt charges;
of 159 charges, only 13 upheld - ?all released?
Oct 10 Spiro Agnew resigns as Vice President
Oct 20 "Saturday Night Massacre": Nixon fires special prosecutor
Archibald Cox. Attorney General Elliot Richardson &
Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resign.
Oct 23 Eight impeachment resolutions introduced in the House
Nov 3 Froines & Weiner of Chicago Seven acquitted of contempt charges.
Nov 7 Congress finally (after 9 attempts) passes War Powers
legislation, over Nixon's veto - limits President's
power to commit armed forces to hostilities abroad
without Congressional approval
Nov 10 Stock Market drops 24.4 points
Nov 16 Nixon signs bill to build Alaska pipeline
Nov 19 Stock Market drops 28.67 points
Nov 21 Inexplicable 18 1/2 minute gap discovered in subpoened tape
Nov 26 Stock Market drops 29.05 points, to lowest in 11 years
(since May 28, 62 JFK confrontation with steel industry)
Nov 30 OPEC quadruples oil prices
(?was 2 dollars/barrel) ?so 8 dollars/barrel?
Dec 4 Dellinger, Rubin, & Hoffman of Chicago Seven, and their
attorney William Kunstler, found guilty of contempt
charges levied at them by Judge Hoffman,
but given no further sentence.
Davis, Hayden, and attorney Leonard Weinglass
acquitted of contempt charges.
Dec 31 6-month oil embargo starts, recession
RS: Goat's Head Soup
Dylan: Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Lennon: Mind Games
Harrison: Living in the Material World
McCartney: Band on the Run
Who: Quadrophenia (the record); movie 78
*ZZ Top (Heavy Metal)
*Lynyrd Skynyrd
*Poco (w Richie Furay & Jim Messina from Buffalo Springfield)
The Harder They Come with Jimmy Cliff
*Springsteen: first
Tom Waits: first
Bergman: Cries & Whispers
& Scenes From a Marriage
The Last Detail (wasn't this the Nicholson one?)
The Paper Chase
American Graffiti
(The Exorcist)
(Sat Night Livers at the Village Gate)
Fear of Flying - Erica Jong
Rubyfruit Jungle - Rita Mae Brown
(Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon)
Small Is Beautiful (Economics as if People Mattered)
- E. F. Schumacher
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism - Chogyam Trungpa
The Well Body Book - Hal Bennett
The Joy of Sex - ?
Handmade Houses (A Guide to the Woodbutcher's Art)
- Boericke & Shapiro
Levi's Denim contest
(Mother Earth's Hassle-Free Indoor Plant Book
- Lynn & Joel Rapp)
Mother Earth News started?
Last year of the draft
Watergate investigations
Dungeons & Dragons getting popular
1974 Inflation speeds up but ?unemployment starts =
Great Stagflation of 1973-75 (U.S.)
Worldwide Stagflation of 1974-76
Senate Watergate hearings
First Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty signed
Pinochet rule starts
"Boldt" decision, Washington state: Warm Springs, Yakima,
Umatilla & Nez Perce tribes entitled to take up to half
salmon & steelhead runs from the Columbia River
based on 1855 treaty
First "Witkars" (white cars for free use
within the city) put into use in Amsterdam
Abbie Hoffman (facing cocaine charge) goes undrgrd
Joanne Little accused of murder of killing jailer
(in self-defense against rape) (acquitted Aug 15, 75)
?Portugal coup ends W. Europe's oldest dictatorship
Kissinger's "shuttle diplomacy"
Garrison Keillor? starts Prairie Home Companion
Gas shortages get worse through Mar 19
Dalkon shield sales end
Briarpatch Network, informal organization of small
businesses practicing openness, honesty, service,
and sharing, founded
Nairopa Institute, Boulder, Colorado, founded
Jan 30 Dylan at Mad Sq Gdn - starts first tour in 8 years
Feb 4 Patty Hearst, 19, kidnapped by the SLA
Mar Pentagon requests additional $474 million for Saigon
military aid; Congress (House) denies funding request
for the first time since the 1964 Tonkin Gulf resolution
Apr 1 Jane Fonda arrives in Vietnam on second visit
Apr 15 Patty Hearst & 8 others rob SF bank
May Mohawks establish Ganienkah settlement in
Adirondack Mountains Park, NY
74 June Nature publishes Sherwood Rowlands of U.C. Irvine's
pioneer research on depletion of the ozone layer
July 30 Watergate: House Judiciary Committee adopts
three articles of impeachment
July 30 Watergate: Supreme Court upholds subpoena on Nixon tapes.
Nixon turns them over July 30 & Aug 5.
Aug Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics founded
in Boulder by Allen Ginsberg & Anne Waldman
Aug 5 Watergate: Tape transcripts indicate Nixon impeded
the investigation
Aug 8&9 Nixon resigns, Ford sworn in
?Springstein first played the Roxy?
Sept Ford grants amnesty to draft evaders
(Sept Green Revolution plan announced)
Sept 16 US Dist Ct dismisses all charges against Banks & Means
for Wounded Knee takeover
(Oct WE Epilog)
Oct US airlift of military supplies to Cambodia's
Lon Nol regime suspended until March
Oct 7 John Lennon finally given legal status to stay
in the US (after 3 year legal battle)
Nov Jerry Brown elected Gov of Calif (1974-1982)
N 5-16 World Food Conference, Rome (Lappe?)
Nov 13 Karen Silkwood, investigating Kerr-McGee xxx,
killed in controversial auto accident
Nov 20 US files anti-trust suit against AT&T
Nov 21 Congress overrides Ford's veto to pass
the Freedom of Information Act
RS: Only Rock & Roll
*Joni Mitchell: Court & Spark
& Miles of Aisles
Lennon: Walls & Bridges
Eric Clapton: 461 Ocean Blvd (August)
*Queen (Heavy Metal)
*Gentle Giant
*Electric Light Orchestra
*Germany: Tangerine Dream
*Toots & The Maytals: first
Maria Muldaur
Dylan: Planet Waves & Blood on the Tracks (which was first?)
74-75 Rolling Thunder Revue tour
TV: (Kojak)
(Monty Python & the Holy Grail)
Lenny (w Dustin Hoffman)
Wim Wenders: Alice in the Cities
The Conversation (Coppola) is this the master plot one? no
(The Sting)
Robert Pirsig: Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Repair
Carlos Castaneda: Tales of Power
The Dispossessed - Ursula LeGuin
The Power Broker - Robert Caro
Spiritual Community Guide
A Pilgrim's Guide to Planet Earth
The Connection
Native Funk & Flash - Jacopetti
How to Grow More Vegetables . . . - J Jeavons
The Gardener's Catalogue
Country Furniture
Gary Snyder - Turtle Island
Rolling Thunder - Doug Boyd
New Age Journal founded by
East West Journal editor Robert Hargrove,
advertising director Eric Utne, and other staff
CoEvolution Quarterly
All the President's Men (the book)
Fear of Flying
Streaking (yes)
Answering machines
Digital watches
People Magazine started (Feb)
Isle of Calif mural behind SaMo post office (LA Fine Arts Squad)
Farallones Institute founded
1975 Inflation + Highest unemployment since the thirties
(Whip Inflation Now - according to Washington mag)
Also high interest rates
Also ?insurance rates? triple
draft registration is suspended
Sen Frank Church launches investigation which reveals
CIA conducted illegal surveillance of American
citizens & plotted to assassinate foreign leaders i.e. Castro
Sam Giancana, Mafia chieftain, murdered in his Chicago home,
following reports of his involvement in CIA Castro plot
Hoffa disappears
Former United Mine Workers pres Tony Boyle starts jail
sentence for ordering murder of union opponent Joseph
Yablonski, wife & daughter
Calif passes Agricultural Labor Relations Act
(grants farm workers right to collective bargaining,
establishes a minimum wage, & abolishes child labor in
the fields)
New York City almost goes bankrupt (75-76)
Tom Donahue, founder of progressive? radio, dies
Lennon goes into seclusion for five years
Bunny Wailer goes into seclusion for 7 1/2
Z Budapest arrested for tarot reading
(9 years to Supreme Court win)
Rolling Thunder Revue (into Jan at least)
Frances Moore Lappe & Joseph Collins start IFDP
Airlines start to be deregulated -> cheaper fares
Franco dies (Spain) (Nov 20) - 36 years dictator
Dictatorship ends in Greece (74? 75?)
?World wide famines
Architect Frank Gehry creates second "deconstructivist"
style house (LA?); Netherlands designers Koolhaas
and Zenghelis also do first deconstructivist buildings
Jan 1 Menominee Indians seize unused Gresham, Wisconsin
Roman Catholic novitiate (to Feb 4, when church
promises to deed it to them for a tribal hospital)
Jan Vondel Park, Amsterdam closed to camping
Jan 7 Major auto producers announce rebates
Apr 17 Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia (after 5 year war)
(When does slaughter start)
Apr 25 Moderates (Socialists & Popular Democrats) win the
first free elections in Portugal in over 50 years
A 30-My "Fall of Saigon": North Vietnamese troops enter Saigon
May Pathet Lao begin takeover of Laos
May 1 Stock Market commissions deregulated,
starting Stock Market shake-out
May 27 Alaska legalizes home use of marijuana
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